Idea for New Community! Input requested

Dec 10, 2007 16:05

There should be a community called FanFic Quote of the Moment, or some such thing. They could be deep, funny, or just really well done. Or crack that broke your brain.

After an exhaustive five minute search, I have concluded that there is no such thing on LJ. gairid thought I should start one myself, long ago--anyone out there interested in such a thing? Would you contribute/join/watch it?

We could post stuff like this. Well, a good one or two liner would be better, but this is too good to cut short:

Souji frowned sadly for a moment, and then managed to look halfway annoyed. “Obviously you’ve made a few assumptions about my relationship with Hijikatasan,” he said quietly. “And I’m surprised at your hostility in that direction. After all, Hikosan, your young apprentice is quite… ‘attractive’. Are you sure your relationship with him is merely… professional?”

“WHAT!” Hiko shouted. “Just what are you implying? That boy is like a son to me!”

“A son you would permit to be tortured by his enemies?”

“Kid’s gotta grow up sometime! ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’, you know! Pain builds character!”

“I see… and now it becomes obvious why you’re still afraid of your mother.”

(It would help if I remembered where I *got* this from. :P And I left it as is--typos included, which if you know me, is...very...very hard.)

What do you think?
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