doctor visits

Dec 01, 2007 15:41

For anyone curious, here is how my doc visits went:

First, the allergist. Drove in the snow, and I was concerned about my crappy windshield wipers, but it wasn't snowing enough to even turn them on, so that was good. Windy windy though. Got to doc, and the receptionist said, "Good thing you came in, you sound terrible." I hobbled along on crutches, walking very gingerly because it still felt like my tibial collateral ligament on the "good leg" was about to give way. It felt like it was burning, and my knee hurt deep in the joint too. That's the ligament I tore badly in high school.

Anyway, it was the doc I'd been dreading, but he was civil this time amazingly. He decided that yes, it was asthma, with some bronchitis thrown in for extra fun, and gave me a little prednisone and some antibiotics. After a breathing treatment, he sent me on my way.

Now, the surgeon. Joy. Got a really nice trainee doctor, which sharply contrasted with angry ass surgeon. He told me nice things like "you might be one of the ten percent that never heal". He looks at my leg and stops, "Ugh, what are all those red bumps?" It's a teeny patch of eczema, jerk. He's never noticed this the what, four times, I been there before I guess. I was hurt by his reaction of disgust--he's a frickin' doctor! Anyway, he also went on about my weight--hey if you haven't been able to walk since September, you'd gain weight too! I'm not that heavy, not like pre-op Star Jones fat, or Rosie O'Donnell fat. So I beat anorexia.

Anyway, it seems the steroids will help take down inflammation in my knees too. Good thing. Bad thing, I did get a little over-enthusiastic with trying to get mobile again, and blew out my other knee, and to quote the surgeon, "You can't go back to work. You don't have a leg to stand on." I *was* following doctor's orders--he told me to quit being a baby, even though I said it hurt quite severely, and I just kept trying to stand for longer periods and trying to walk normally, and look where it got me. Stupid leg got tired of compensating and gave out. Didn't help that I stumbled sideways off the steps at the farm. I think that was the proverbial straw, and then I still tried to go grocery shopping after that, trying to see if I could return to work.

So, now I'm not supposed to walk at all, because I'm on the verge of doing myself some very serious damage. Not at all. If I HAVE to get up, I walk *very* gingerly, trying not to do more damage. One little trip could be disastrous. *points at cat* If you have to walk just in front of me, go faster!

Part of me is still happy that I finally go to go out, and look at Christmas stuff and decorations in the store. I've been wanting to do that since September, and now I finally got my chance. If I had money, I would have bought a lot of stuff. They had some gorgeous ribbon-embroidered stockings that were very cheap, and Mom got one for each of us kids. Our Grandma made us gorgeous ones when we were little, there are intricately embroidered, and covered in hundreds of glass beads and bells. Mine has a scene of Santa ice-skating with children watching, and my sister has children spying on a staircase at a Christmas tree. However, a couple years ago, a mouse chewed it's way into our Christmas treasures, and chewed large holes in our stockings. So we got these new ones, and are trying to preserve the old ones. Someday I could try to repair them maybe. I wanted to make myself a new one and decorate it, but I don't have the time. And I don't know how to embroider either. But I can always learn. Anyway, one stocking is deep red with holly bunches and pine bows and intricate scrollwork. The top is deep green. The other one is deep green, almost black, with poinsettias, and a deep red almost burgundy top. I think the last one is my favorite, but I wouldn't mind having either one.

I want to put up MY decorations, but they are mostly in the storeroom, which might as well be Mars now as far as I'm concerned. I'm very frustrated at this setback, just when I was starting to get some mobility back. And I miss dancing most of all.

We are gearing up for a major storm this weekend. They have been saying we could get a foot of snow Sunday alone. Today it's supposed to be rain, snow, then ice rain. Could be four inches of ice (of course the forecast changes every hour). I keep looking outside to see if anything dramatic is happening, but so far it's just gray. I feel sorry for the people at work, I bet they are swamped with pre-storm crazies. There is probably no milk, bottled water, or beer left in the place.

It's good to be prepared. That's why I have a lighter, two winter coats (I often loan them to co-workers without good coats), a blanket, several packets of instant handwarmers, enough for over 24 hours of heat, eight pairs of gloves (at least), boot socks and two pairs of winter boots, flashlights. I need to stock it with non-freezing munchies too, I find when you are freezing eating a bit of something helps a lot. In summer I keep a gallon or two of distilled water in the car, for either me or the radiator. You can tell I've been stranded for a LONG time before. My grandpa who passed away would probably say I still should have in there a tin to melt snow in or cook food, kindling, a long rope, a compass, and waterproof matches. :)

I'm the opposite of my sister who drives around in winter in open-toe sandals and no winter coat, because coats are uncool, and the car heater will keep you warm. This is good until something goes wrong. I think she is more sensible now than she used to be. She used to run out of gas all the time because she is too cheap to buy it. I think she learned from the last time she had to hike. Of course, life always goes so easily for her, if she did get stranded, some hot guys would show up, give her their coats, carry her to a house while they fixed her car.

bad knee

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