Apr 04, 2005 19:05
im still here miles from my love and the world that i love... kind of... anyway this hasnt turned as bad as i thought it would.... yet that is... thank you sweetie for the journal layout... it is beautiful... but on another note i got tipsy today... yuppers i had enough alcohol to get tipsy... funny eh?... anyway i got to go a friend just called me and wants me to come to his room for some more alcohol... yeah!!!... i miss my love and still wish i had stayed in louisville but so it goes... anyway evan how is arizona ;)... and well i hate seeing so many people i know... but ill get over it... well g2g laters all
ma petite: i love and miss you sooooooooo much but i will see you soon... it seems that we will be leaving thursday so i will probably see you friday... so yay!!!!... i love you sweetie and thanks once more for the layout... i love it and i love you... *hugs and kisses* goodnight and sleep with angels my love MUAH!!!