Fic: Crave Epilogue

May 23, 2009 23:00


“My truck.”

a soft chuckle

“If you like.”

“The hood of my truck.”


“You’ll have to let the tires down.”

“We’ll manage.”

“Ah the romance of a man and his truck.”


“I wanna nail ya on Vince’s desk, how’s that for romantic?”

muffled groan


“With that viking helmet ya wore when the kids were around.”

“That’s just weird. And almost perverse.”

“No it isn’t. I wanted to fuck ya right then and there.”

“Ok, damn I know I’ll regret this…why?”

“Ya looked very sexy. Like Thor.”

hysterical laughter

“Remind me to pinch Paul’s hammer.”

full body contact

“I got a hammer right here Darlin’.”


“You certainly have.”

prolonged movement

“Damn ya look so fuckin’ beautiful when yer ridin’ me.”

bedsprings getting a workout

“View’s pretty good from here too Babe.”


“Oh god yeah. Yeah. That’s it, right there. ”

“Love you, love you, love you….”

mutual cries

“Never lettin’ ya go Darlin’.”

“Don’t wanna go.”


“Rattlesnake? More like a big Labrador.”

snuggle down



“So, your turn Darlin’.”

“Hmmm. I just had my turn don’t you think?”


rustle of sheets


gurgle of laughter

“No. Stop it.”

“Yer ticklish? Oh baby….”

mayhem and violence

“If you ever….I’m going to….kill…..fucking…..dead….”

“Yeah, yeah, ya’ll kick my ass all over the bedroom. Bring it on Blondy.”

a small movement.

“Agghhh. Fuck that fuckin’ hurts...”

“Bring it on Baldy.”


“Ya gotta give me one at least. I got hundreds.”



“Well whenever I look at ya…”

“I get the idea……I love the idea by the way.”


restful quiet

“I want to know if you can hold an open can of beer in each hand while I suck you off.”

stunned silence

“I’ll give it my best shot.”

“I thought you might.”


“So Darlin’?”


“Where are yer glasses?”

sleepy blinking

“My what?”


wwe, jericho/austin, fic

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