Oct 27, 2007 21:08
There are some people that will never ever change. They may try and hide behind a smile -- you know the type. "I need a ride someplace and you should help me out, you know, because we're friends." When you finally ask them for something, they're either busy, have troubles of their own or just can't be bothered with it.
I'm not writing about any one of my friends, here, I love them all to death. I'll do anything for them if I can help, and mine would do the same.
Some people out in LJ land, though, need a swift kick in the ass and to be tied in front of their own reflection.
I've done some pretty annoying shit in the past... Shit that completely demolished my original moral foundation, shit that tried people's patience until I learned who my true friends are. To them I am sorry. To those that had to let go, I understand, and I'm sorry to you too.
I know I often say things I don't mean, but I mean this.
Now, I'm going to get drunk in less than two hours, and I want to look decent.