I want this but, I'm trying to decide if I feel like paying 36 bucks plus shipping for it.
I went to a workshop and I got to wheel myself in a wheel chair all afternoon, and it wasn't as easy as it seems. I learned hospital jargon sign language. Had a 4 foot tall blind lady blindfold me, give me a sight cane, and direct me to find the stairs, climb them blind, and find the room where the meeting was. Then they put my arm in a sling, wrapped the other one to my chest, and taped the fingers of the hand in a sling and they made me wrap a gift and put a ribbon on it. That was only the beginning, but it made for a real cool afternoon, plus I got paid for it. My partner was the administrative director of the comprehensive cancer center of our hospital and he was a really cool guy, but very clumbsy with a walker.
Our scene in theater is coming out amazing, and we managed to get 90% off book. I'm so glad that all came together!
I have to go see this play my professor is directing for a grade and write a paper on it. That is totally a monopoly and unethical under every reason in existance. (
http://www.new-theatre.org/nowPlaying.htm) Anyone want to join me in trying to see it on Thursday? ::hint hint:: lol
Oh and I saw Reynier... that was bizarre.