(no subject)

Oct 25, 2006 00:18

I think milkshake is going to come exploding out my ears. But the ones at Cheeburger are really yummy, and I'm an ice cream deprived girl... what'd you expect?
Today was definitely one of the better days of life. From a nice laid back Anatomy class, to wow-ing frosh kids with pretty premade web templates, to sitting and watching strong people climb the giant's ladder (I wanna play! Pwease, Ryan?), and then having 2 Sams as partners for RMAS and creating an entirely too Cosmo-like experiment (oh gods, Attraction 101 xP)...
and then shoving me, Steff, Kristine, Victor, and Rob all in Rob's awesome Skylark and heading to Cheeburger. AHAHAHA. That poor car. I felt kinda bad; you could feel it lag a bit. And meeting up with Ryan, Sammy, Lala, Trice, and Jay... and guzzling fatty foods all afternoon.

I still refuse to believe that my essays for college are due tomorrow...I really don't think they are, for whatever reason. My divine inspiration aka last minute panic hasn't kicked in yet, though I do commend Jeremy for his attempts to force me to do work. xP I have to admit, all the topics I could write about... will make me seem either really angsty & vengeful if I go with Brittany's ideas, really RAPIST-LIKE AND WHOREISH if I go with Spence's lovely idea (which should work with anyone else but me, since um, pouncing girls and snuggling/tickling them is definitely something not to put to get into college), or uhh... Steff's idea with the interracial stuff. Though um, already, that's sounding mildly... not good topic porno ish. >.>
I really probably am just going to revise my old cornell paper. The one about horseback riding and teamwork and other stuff, hahaha. Whoo, how exciting.
Or perhaps, I'll write about the silken ribbon, like Sam S said again. But it'll be bad if I'm talking about how great and creative I am with that analogy, and come off as a total blundering idiot that boasts about something they utterly suck at.

OHHH. I went Halloween costume shopping. AND, I'm not going to be a witch this year; I'm breaking my old tradition. The problem is... I've come to the conclusion that Halloween is the opportunity (and excuse) for girls of all ages... to dress like total whores, in a drunken abandon. I realize now why I stuck with the same drapey witch costume for years.
All the teen girls ones - if they're not "gothic ballerina/witch/fairy/princess," then it's something like a Catholic schoolgirl costume, an 'exotic geisha'. There's about 80 different witches, from Dark Priestess to Angel of Death to Maiden of Torture to Graveyard Pixie, all with the same short cut dress that barely skims the tops of your thighs, and involves fishnets, fetish stiletto high boots, and sultry dark makeup (not that I'm complaining... but shush xP). The ONE costume I felt I could wear without squeaking with indecency every five seconds was this Pirate Costume... which was called the Gothic Pirate Lady or something. And then I tried it on, and found that Magnet would probably not allow me to wear it, and that I would be very... cold... all day if I did. The midriff baring top um, skimmed my ribs. The jacket part of it didn't cover my last 2 ribs, and the middle part barely fit over my bra. Yeah. No. NOT wandering the streets begging for candy at midnight in something like that. O_x
They had no more decent pirate costumes in the Adult female section. Worse, I found out this. I'm of a medium height, so my length is Adult Medium, but my frame is slight, so uh, to accomodate the fact that I'm flat xP I need a small. So essentially, so that my TOP doesn't slide down to my waist, my BOTTOM is barely covered. Whoohoo. I'm doing good. So I finally settled on this um, bandit-esque Zorro type thing, hahaha. Boots & fishnets & a tiny red frilly thing. Oh gods. I'm mildly scared. I hate skirts. Hate hate hate.
But at least it was half price. Oh, the Asianness.

this entry totally was not procrastination for an essay. Oh, inspiration, where art thou?
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