Dec 12, 2004 01:11
I was just thinking that woah. I haven't updated this in forever. I guess I could blame it on the lack of time. And that would be true. I've been busier than a [insert noun known to be imagination is lacking right now]. In the past few weeks, I can't believe how much I managed to [barely] get done. Such as the research paper, two tests, poetry journal/essay thing, revised an essay, a ton of other stuff, more stuff, yeah. I can't remember it all, but it was a lot. And now, I just have to finish a 5-page essay, write a cover letter thing for the FLA portfolio, write a music theory journal thing, and take two finals. (It kind of makes me mad...I don't have any finals all this next week until Friday. So I have to be on campus with barely anything to do all week long...because both finals aren't finals that can be studied for much.) Oh yeah. And jury Monday. That's where I perform two of the three pieces I've worked on this semester for voice lessons. (In front of the music about nervousness.) But really, the bad stuff is basically over. I've been able to relax a little bit, and I should be able to get some rest this upcoming week. Then I get to go home, and that delights me more than anything right now.
I'm trying to think of some of the most interesting things that have happened since the last time I updated this. I know it's been a long time, but yeah...most of it has been academic stuff. Thanksgiving break was really nice. Very restful. Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that the Tuesday night before the research paper was due, I ended up staying all night. That wasn't all that fun, considering I was really tired during classes Wednesday morning. For some reason, the sleeplessness made everything really funny, and I didn't feel like I was really there. It was weird...but at least I was able to catch up on sleep over the break.
Oh! And the Madrigal Dinners went really well. It was lots of fun, and made the horrible, annoying, long practices worth it.
And I was in my first general student recital this past Thursday. It was really fun, once the nerves wore off. It was nice getting to reap the rewards of all the hours of practice I've put in this semester. It made me remember why I love to sing.
It's about 1:30 now. I should probably consider going to bed. I'm rather sleepy and could use a dose of sleep-in-ness. Choir concert tomorrow. Then more work on the essay, and hopefully some relaxing, because taking it easy is fun.
I've been pretty happy recently. It's been nice. :)
I bought some Christmas lights at Wal*Mart today. They are above my bulletin board and computer. They make me really happy. :)
Wow, this was just a bunch of randomness, but that's what life has been like recently. Just random. But in a good way, I think.
Yeah, I should go to bed. First, I am going to take a shower. Then bed. Yeah, that sounds right. :)
<3 Luke