"...sucks to be a blacky..."

Jul 06, 2005 20:44

Well I guess I'm becoming the king of weekly entries. I could do more than that if I didn't spend all my time thinking and rethinking my life so much as to wear out the subject. Those who've known me best have told me I think too much, so I guess I'll remember to... think about that.

Life has been at once quite bland and busy. I'll admit Freddy is a little boring for the lack of good people to hang with. Schedule and personality clash has eliminated a few. I'm not worrying much about it though cuz every time I get in a funk I get to thinking everyone sucks, but of course, if you see before you a room full of crazy people, that doesn't speak much good for you... unless you're in some sort of hospital... ANYway.

So my Canada Pride weekend went well. Christa and I had a lot of fun, whether doing not much or doing plenty. We watched Butterfly Effect which is really cool, until the part where a young sociopath lights his friend's dog on fire in a burlap sack. This resulted in my craving to toss the tv out the window, then hunt down the actor who played the character and light - him - on fire. Looks like he performed well, n' est-ce pas?

We went to get groceries at one point and stumbled into this cute little organic shop. Now, I can't honestly say I give half a shit about organic food or the organic way of life, but I kinda figured the lady would wanna see. I just thought the place looked cool, but once I got inside I found some really kickass things. They had all kinds of organic-grown spices (seriously, like 100 different ones at least). They were as complex as 7 veggie soup allspice to simple ground-onion and garlic powders. I could hardly believe how much better this stuff smelled. By the time we left we were both sneezing and I thought I was working on a nosebleed. Anyway, the place was cool.

Lets see, what else? Right. I got a very cool painting from Christa. Its of Jack and Sally up on the twisted hill at the end of the movie. I love it more every time I look at it. Her verison is way more blue than in the movie, but it makes the clouds and moon far more dramatic. I just really love it; I'll have it forever.

The fireworks themselves were awsome. They're a lot better here than Moncton. Unfortunately at the most awsomest romantic-cool moment I looked at the lady and asked "What are ya thinkin' about?" and I heard back that she wondered what the ex was up to in Saint John... ;=|... umm, aright man, whatever. Twas a bit of a buzz-kill, but most of the weekend was peaches and cream.

So I made a new four-legged friend since I've moved. Spud's his name; being a dog is his game, and he plays to win. This dog is so dogly it hurts. He eats out of bowls on the floor, barks when someone opens the door, stinks like a motherfucker and totally digs hangin out on my bed while I talk to him (even though he doesn't understand). Oh, and this dog LOVES him some garbage. The little rat is no replacement for Shade, but he gives me decent company when I don't feel like being around humans. So that's my props to Spud, my new friend.

I've been reading a compilation of EA Poe's work these days. Unfortunately, I'm finding that it sucks for the most part. Its brought about a rather weird habit of reading The Raven almost everyday, though. Its so weird, I just cannot get tired of it. Everytime I read it I have a more vivid picture of the scene playing out in my mind, and a better grasp of the tone. Going out on a limb I'm of the view, now, that its not a very dark poem at all. Its got a far more curious tone than all that, and only errs ad noctum in the final verse of five lines. At least, that's this ignorant non-scholar's observation.

Well now, I am pleased to say I've completed my move from Mitchell to Graham. For those out of the loop, I am not flaking from gay-lover to gay-lover, but from one apartment to another. I feel the change is having a positive effect on me and I can feel quite a weight, from my shoulders, melting away. A change is as good as a break, so I've heard. Although I feel I may be missing out by not being in Crackton this summer, it makes no sense to be there. I had rent paid in this city so renting in Crackton would be stupid. The other option would be living with my folks, and frankly, it is so repulsive to think of that idea that it stresses me out just imagining. All that to say, it sucks here, but its the lesser of two... "evils"?

Oh well, all in all things are steady and manageable in the land of Shawn. I have my issues, but who doesn't. "Trust issues? Pff, I KNEW you'd say that EVENTUALLY. Well you're just crazy, lady." I am making due at work despite a friend being wrongfully accused of stealing. I mean, hey, almost 400 dollars have gone missing "...on shifts in which you worked, Kiesha." Well, I spose it COULD seem that way... but wait: Julie, short 30 dollars (Kiesha was off), Michelle, short 30 dollars (Kiesha was off), myself, short NINETY DOLLARS (Kiesha had called in sick). Hmmm... strange, she must be good to pull of these heists on her day off. Funny how the only two people who were present on all those days were Dave, a supervisor of less than perfect moral fiber, and Pam (the manager who accused Kiesha of stealing). I can see how it would appear as though Kiesha were to blame, if someone were to forget to look at the schedule before making wild allegations of theft. After all, SOMEone has to take the blame, and Kiesha IS the blackest one there. Oh well, sucks to be a blacky I guess; fuckin invalid "management".

Hmm, and to think I thought I was done with that last paragraph. Ah well, that was a fresh one and I've had no one to bitch to. Fuckyea, that's what LJ's all about. Peace out maw-fuckas.
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