Jan 02, 2010 22:55

My hopes for 2010
* Begin teaching or obtain some form of certification or degree training that will make my expertise of use
* Become a mother
* Be a better friend
* Be a better wife
* Learn to let myself off the hook

Those seem like a good start. Certainly there are other things that could be improved, but baby steps need to be taken.

My to do list seems to be never ending.

With Kara and Jay splitting up, it is going to be difficult not to be dragged into the middle of things, but it would not do for me to loose my good graces and then not be able to do anything for Aidan. He is such a precious thing, I just hope he comes through well. Ryan sometimes feels that we (I) should have more distance. But he told me as well that he knew I was "the one" when he saw my way with Aidan. He told me that he knew anyone who could love a child that was not their own as much as I love Aidan that they must have a boundless heart. It made me cry, it was so touching and unexpected.

My brother Nathan has one daughter born and another child on the way within 4 months of each other. He doesn't seem to see any fault in anything that he has done. Bradley is barely passing any of his classes and has decided that it is fine if things don't work out with school, that he can become a Marine sniper. Jon is no doubt filling his head with nonsense. Charlie is having issues with self mutilation thinking he looks like John. He isn't likely getting the help that he needs psychologically. My mother is seeing some other guy. Again.

This year is going to be full, but I hope that I am up to everything that can and will make challenge me.
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