It's been a while...

Nov 23, 2011 22:26

We got to play our first session of Ivalice in weeks, and it got off to a hilarious start with banter between Nevena and the bad guy.

[21:13] <@Newbie_X> "But I must admit, Guildenstern, I will be very interested in crossing blades with you. Your family's stain has blackened the halls of Archades for generations too long."
[21:13] * +Wystan just chickles softly.
[21:13] <+Wystan> (( *chuckles ))
[21:13] <+Nevena`> "Where as yours has only stained your mother's dress."
[21:14] <+Lohste> "...*snfrk*!"
[21:14] <@Newbie_X> ((Okay, you know what? Nevena, take a TP for that. Owie.))
[21:14] * +Lohste coughs a few times.
[21:14] "Niiiice."
[21:14] <+Lohste> "Poor fool. I've no remedy for venom such as that."

And then the boss turned into a giant monster tree and there were puns. So many puns. (From our OOC room.)

[21:23] and thus the party spent the rest of the battle making tree puns
[21:24] <@Nevena`> Well, we ahve to keep to our roots.
[21:25] oh leave it alone.
[21:25] and this is why I love you guys
[21:26] <@Newbie_X> Yeah, I think you're barking up the wrong tree with that last pun spelling, Sam.
[21:26] I know. I've been pining for this campaign to restart.
[21:26] has the other branch been running at all?
[21:27] I think they've gone to seed.
[21:27] <@Newbie_X> It's been thorny going, but they are continuing.

This is why I miss FFRPG and all my friends. :)

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friends, rp characters: nevena, role-play, ffrpg: ivalice

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