Feb 06, 2009 01:23

FFRPG players, listen up because I'm only going to say this once:

Paladin =/= Healplz

Yes, yes, I know, Healing Wind is T: Party healing, BUT it's not meant to be a constant source of healing unless you have no other choice. Plus, when some members have 400 - 500 Hit Points and are getting sent into SoS, healing for 130 is only going to be a temp solution.

Furthermore, when playing a Chemist and facing enemies that are Undead and likely Auto-Zombie, the first thing you do is lob a tonic or a potion at them to see if it hurts them. If it does, you repeat the process with Hi-Potions or Hyper Potions until the things are dead. You don't spend the battle showing off your uber skills with your twinked out MAG while your party members go in and out of SoS when you finally figure, "Hey, I better do some healing."

The ONLY excuse for you not testing a healing item on the enemy within the first two rounds would be that you HAD NONE.

If you want to be a damage whore, take a Warrior job or a Mage job that's designed with damage in mind. Do not take a job expressly designed for support just because they get one awesome ability at level 34 and is the only ability that's not support oriented that they get. If you don't want the responsibility of healplz, don't fucking take the job.

Fuck you very much,


i write letters, ffrpg: general, ranting

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