Jan 04, 2009 22:57

I don't get excessive bannings in certain LJ communities. I understand asking people to be respectful to a certain point, but even in the real world people are complete and total douches to other people. Why do you have to cry and go, "ONOZ SOMEONE WAS MEAN ON THE INTERNET!" and ban anyone who doesn't kiss the poster's ass?

Oh, and I will never, ever understand why it's not ok to call someone out for bad grammar and spelling. I don't mean the occasional typo or excessive comma usage (guilty as charged by the way), but if I can't understand what you wrote, damn straight I'm going to say something. I'll be polite about it, but really, it's not so hard to use spellcheck. Oh, please don't give me that "I'm dyslexic" bullshit. I once dated someone who was dyslexic in high school and he didn't think it was unreasonable for his teachers to expect him use proper sentence structure and to proofread his work. I've met other dyslexics online who somehow manage to write coherently. I promise you it won't kill you.

Then again, maybe I'm just a cynical bitch who automatically expects the worst out of people.

jade is a big meanie, ranting

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