(no subject)

Jan 16, 2010 02:15

Je ne chante pas ce monde ni les autres astres

I went to Hawaii with Julian for two weeks plus some and it was very pretty and full of flowers and lizards and people who smiled with their eyes. We worked on a project developing fish ponds in which children can learn and play, and that work felt excellent both in accumulation of karmic points and in our acceptance of the Pacific American Foundation's free lodging. We saw a pineapple plantation and a cultural center and surfers and the sand was soft. I also found several seashells. I wrote about two thousands words because they kept my imagination well-fed, and will keep my pocket well-fed if I place in this short-story competition. Wasabi macadamia nuts are delicious, and so is papaya; but not together, I can only presume. The fireworks on New Years were everywhere and beautiful and then there was smoke which was much of the same. The restaurant rotated. The veggie burgers frequently at our disposal were also divine because they were smothered in pineapple which is, I admit, not actually indigenous to Hawaii.

Je chante toutes les possibilites de moi-meme hors de ce monde et des astres

I have been hired by the State Department as an intern for the summer in one of their Washington DC bureaus and I am also going to take French and Italian courses and some courses at Georgetown in counterinsurgencies. Because I am doing these things, I am going to graduate a semester early from college. This spring I really am signing up for that welding class, and I have even decided what I am going to weld, and it is organic, because that juxtaposition feels appropriate. The Union Square YMCA is gaining a new member as well. I hope that my dad will come meet the hill people of Thailand with me during my spring break; I do not think that my boss at whatever cafe I end up working at will like this psuedo-spontaneous hiatus, but I have more concern for the wellbeing of rural Thai tribes and their English curriculae.

Je chante la joie d'errer et le plaisir d'en mourir

I was in airports and airplanes for twenty-four hours today.

Miles to go before I sleep.
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