I remembered a dream last night. I need to write it down before I forget about it. Clearly I remembered it for some reason. If anyone wants to help decipher it, go for it.
It started out in this underwater place that looked a lot like the human blood stream. There was this giant spider that seemed to be part of its environment, it wasn't bad, it seemed to be doing things to keep the environment it was living in running. Then this other giant spider came. This one was clearly bad because it started fighting with the good spider. After fighting for a while, the bad spider finally killed the good spider. The bad spider just left after that.
Meanwhile we (don't know who we are, a society maybe?) realize that something isn't right. So me and some other person go underwater (it looks like an ocean from the surface but looks like a blood stream under water because it was red in color and had beating things in it) to find out what is going on. We find the bones of our beloved spider (I know spiders don't have bones, clearly my subconscious doesn't care) and begin repairing the mechanism that it had responsibility over.
To me it seemed that the spider was part of an environmental system for my people and its death meant a lot.
The past few days have been okay, with the exception of yesterday. Yesterday was just one big annoyance. I was exhausted at work all day, even though I finally got a whole nights sleep. Class was okay, but I realized that I can not relate to most of my peers because we come from different universes. I really want to be friends with Brian, but I don't live off campus and party with friends and hit the bar and what not. I have nothing in common with him, or 85% of my peers for that matter. *sigh* Oh well, I can't and I won't be someone I am not just for the sake of friends. I will have to find friends that I don't need to drastically change for.
Then on the bus ride home, I wanted to punch this guy in the head because he was being extremely rude. First I had to wait in the cold for the bus for 20 minutes, then this asshole thought he was the only one standing on this crowded ass bus. He was leaning back into me, pushing me into someone else. Then he tilted his head back to look at the ceiling and almost hit me with his nasty head, plus he elbowed me on several occasions. Jack off. *grumbles* And I come back from class to a drama filled circus that blew through my room.
Today, I have an exam and tonight Samm and I are going to the mall so she can apply to MAC.
Okay, enough writing.