(taken from
babstheskibunny )
1. Take the lyrics to a favorite song.
2. Go to Google Language Tools, tranlate the lyrics into French, then from French into German,
and finally from German back into English.
3. Post the results verbatim.
4. Invite friends to guess the song based on the interesting new lyrics
It have my hand held and went I to house, I white why it me given that the kiss it something, when this was, which she spurred me to go ohh of ooh you Geabwischt my tears you débarassez from all means fears why you to go had? Of assumption it was not enough, around some from my kinds from love to to take is is it to make so the confidence hard I you does not have legend that I not when this girl is? That one, which gives it everything far [ choir: ] you thought that I will give it up to you, this mark? Did you think the fact that that was, somethin, which I make and will cry? Attempts not to say to me whom to make it does not try to say to me who is not better to say you except in this way thinks that your charm and the fact that your arm now over means neck is you, in my trousers will receive that I must give a blow of foot your donkey and you never to spur me you asking goes forgetting holding on thought I you liked much, but climbs down I disturbed really comes out from my head of mine thats the bed ouais, which I I did not say you said that I not when this girl is, that one that not to soil throws it upward above me made I no evil no thought you and me left improve over in this way only I am not anyhow on-line better only