(no subject)

Aug 13, 2007 23:57

Came back up to Dublin today in the car with my mother and grandfather. About halfways along something came on the radio, some sickly sweet child from Kerry; all "My name is "blahblahblah" and I am twelve years old. I wrote "and" essay and I made a speech and de tradition is that de man catch de goat and de goat and then and de man and de..." with the reporter cutting in the say "You have the goat by the horns, he wants to escape, doesn't he?" And some Kerryman man replying "That he does, boy!" And I thought, to hell with that and shoved my earphones in. I believe my grandfather told me some stories on the way to Dublin but my mother, who could hear my music from my earphones, didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't aware of it.

Xsara now fetches the post. I don't know why exactly, but you have to tell her "fetchel". Fetch just makes her wag her tail, find the nearest toy and bring it. I tried that. She got very confused as to what toy I wanted when I had a collection of them at my feet. Then I told her "Fetchel, Xsara!" and she came straight back with a mouthful of letters. Not all of them, though, only those she was able to pick up. She hasn't figured out the art of going back for the rest, yet. Our old dog Perro used to collect the milk from the gate back in the days when we had it delivered, going back over and over for all of the cartons, and sometimes trying to bring the wooden box back when he'd run out of cartons. It did lead to the very odd burst milk carton and once, the near savaging of a milkman, but it was great.

The budgerigars are in Bunclody, sitting on a high shelf in my brother's room. My room is currently almost completely lilac coloured. Two of the walls are completely lilac. The lilac on one other wall is being used as an undercoat to a bright cerise, and lots of the old navy blue shows through. And the fourth wall is now lilac, navy blue, light blue, green and yellow - displaying the colours of the walls through all the ages that we lived in the house - that is, where the plaster hasn't fallen off. I put sealer on it this morning before I left so it should be good to put an undercoat on when I go back in ten days or so. My mother got me some bright pink and purple bedclothes with cats on them. There are matching curtains, but it's up to me to try to find some in the various Harry Corry stores in the area. Google wasn't of any help.

I had a funny night last night. I was watching My Shocking Story on Discovery at midnight. I saw the end of the documentary, but I have no idea at all what came on after. So in a three minute ad break, I obviously fell asleep. I don't remember what time I woke up, curled up in a little ball in the armchair (just like Xsara!). I remember being in my room and looking at my PJs, and thinking "screw it" and climbing into bed in my clothes. When I woke up, I had to ask my mother if she'd found me, and guided me to my bedroom. She hadn't. Apparently I'd even turned the TV off. And funniest of the lot, I'd managed to put on the socks I wear for bed, too. It was rather nice from an insomniac point of view.

Oddest of all, I don't know how Penguin got out of the wardrobe. He'd been put in there to protect him from paint splatters. I woke up sometime around eight when the dogs were going their morning "out", and found him stuffed between wall and bed. Did I really put on bed socks, take Penguin out of the wardrobe, and climb into bed fully clothed at some indeterminable hour of the morning, then question whether I'd made it myself or my mother had woken me? Maybe I should go easy on the sleeping tablets. Or at that rate, take more!

So yes, I am home. I found my old glasses (I neglected to mention, perhaps, that I broke my other ones) under my bed. I have an eyetest at eleven tomorrow morning, better get some shuteye and take it easy on the pills, cause if I'm doped up tomorrow I wont be able to tell a Y from a W and may see two of each in the place of an E and an O. I've needed new specs for two years though, so perhaps broken glasses is a good thing. Expensive good thing, but good none the less.

My grandad is getting me a new PC. He wants to buy me a laptop, but I want a desktop. I'll keep this old desktop anyway, what do you guys think? Laptop, or decent working desktop? Sean and myself both think desktop - Ciaran says maybe laptop, if I'm moving house regularly (which I might end up doing) and also cause I still have a desktop. Sean wants to turn my old PC into a network server and have our house as some super nerd hostel. I'm just trying to get the price of my preferred PC down to about a thousand, but honestly, I need a better one - it's going to be twelve hundred at the least and up to fifteen hundred if I put my best preferences in place.

And I have a one-up on my family - I told them there isn't a cat that doesn't purr, and Crown is just a very quiet purrer. I've heard her purr. And after we all took turns holding her up to our ears (God knows why she was still purring by then) they had to concede. Crown does, indeed, purr, albeit very, VERY quietly. I win. Goodnight.

cat, xsara, penguin

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