cLilac Legacy 1.1

Aug 22, 2012 18:51

Caution: Language, adult themes, derpiness.

Hi folks! Welcome to the Lilac Legacy!

This is my first attempt at a legacy. Please keep your hands, arms and feet inside at all times.
I'm foregoing all the fancy challenges since I am a ridiculous noob just starting, so please enjoy!

That being said, shall we begin?

This is Lavender Lilac. She is my beautiful lady founder. For some reason this was the first picture I took of her when she didn't have any of her CC on. NOOB POWER ACTIVATE.

Lavender: Fox...why doesn't my house have a roof?
Fox: Because I'm new to this and the camera hates me. :[

It takes me the better part of this entry to sort out how to use the no-drift cam.

Founder : Lavender Lilac

Lavender is a friendly, albeit naive, young woman. She loves laughing and making those around her laugh [Good Sense of Humor]. When it comes to anything, whether it be finishing off an English Essay or painting her nails, she does her very best and strives for perfection [Perfectionist]. Lav is also a tremendous social butterfly due to her lack of siblings [Charismatic] but can get a bit touchy about gossip and drama [Childish]. At the end of the day, she's a creative young lady trying to find her way in the world and leave her mark. [Artistic]

She loves sushi, pop music, the color pink and [and purple!] and her sign is Libra.

Lifetime Wish: Star News Caster

This is the Lilac starting home. Because Lavender's parents are wealthy [they're both dentists] she's pretty well off and they moved her into this beautiful one bedroom, two bathroom ranch home.

Quick tour!

Livingroom. And no ceiling!

Downstairs bathroom, complete with evil owl mirror that wouldn't get out of the frame no matter how much I threatened it.

Dining room and mysteriously floating chandelier.


Pool and back deck.

Upstairs hall.

The baby making chamber.

Open-air bathroom.

Here's a better shot of Lavender. I pretty much just want to hug her face. However, this little dumpling is not going to lay around in her parents money forever. She's gotta get a job.

Lavender: A what?

I have my work cut out for me.

Lavender:Jooooob. J-o-b. Job. Google, help me out here.

Lavender: Someone wants to hire me!

Gah, her face is so adorable. Q.Q

After landing a career as a "Paper Girl", Lavender decided to explore her new home and take a dip in the pool.

Lavender: Let's have a pool party!

She hadn't made too many friends since her move and I didn't want to hurt her feelings. So I said no.

She then sulked in the pool. For two hours.

Lavender: *wibble* I have lots of friends. I chatted with the mail man for 20 minutes yesterday about llamas.

Later I found her in the kitchen making an "autumn salad" in her dripping wet swim suit. Also, what IS an autumn salad? Does it have fall leaves and pumpkins in it?

;Lavender: I... burned it. I burned the salad, Fox.

I hope whatever she has isn't genetic.

After a full day of exploring, Lavender collapsed into a heap in her glitchy bed [I found out later the blankets were mostly for show, not function, and replaced them] and slept the night away, excited for her new job the following morning.

Fox: Rise and shine, my little founder. Time to go- OH. I'M SO SORRY.
Laender: FOX! Most Sim Overladies at least clothe their founders before photographing them in the morning.

I may be a lady myself, but dang. She rocks those pajamas.

After lecturing me on peeping at her, she promptly went down stairs and made waffles in her underwear.

Lavender: Oh crap, I forgot to buy curtains!

I forgot what the "paper girl" uniform looked like and laughed so hard.

Lavender:This trashcan is where this "uniform" belongs. Get it off.

Work was fairly uneventful. She was introduced to the other rookies, made some friends, and came home in a great mood.

The following morning was pretty much the same song and dance. Lav decided to frolic through the house in her knickers and burn her breakfast.

Lavender: Look, it's my not fault. Our personal chef only showed me how to open cans in case of an emergency. Pancakes do not come in cans.

Aww, her little face. You'll be making Filet Mignon in no time, Red. Just keep trying!

Since Lavender had been working so hard to do well at her job, I suggested she go into town and meet some new people.
But first, a change of clothes. Seriously, you look like a creepy Little League coach.

Lavender: You're kidding right?
Fox: What?

Lavender:You want me to go in there? What if I catch something. What if they try to steal my wallet?
Fox: Look, you're charismatic and charming! Make the best of this place. It's not so bad.

Lavender: Ew, they have a Brady Bunch kitchen. Can I go now?

I think once she takes a look around she'll forgive me for making her venture into the Sims ghetto.

This is Alain Jade, the resident of this ... establishment. [+10 Brownie points if you knew the name Alain was from the Dark Tower Series by Stephen King. *3* ]

Alain: Er, hello! Can I help you?

Lavender: Oh my god.

Always trust your Sim Overladies.

Alain:Well, hello there-
Lavender: Do you have abs? I bet you have abs. Mm, mm, mm.

Shallow, AND wealthy? What have I done?!

Alain: Come on in, I wont bite you. OR MAYBE I WILL!
Lavender: I am currently being attacked by that couch pattern. In the eyeballs. Who is your interior designer because she needs to be strung up by her Crocs.

Lavender:So um... do you have a job?
Alain: Eheh, well you see, at the moment I... no. Not yet.

Lavender: OMG neither did I until yesterday! I have to work for money? What's up with that?
Alain: ...never worked a day in her life? Oh boy.

I leave them alone for a moment to alt-tab and check something, and come back to this.

Lavender: Look, I'm SORRY I almost set your house on fire trying to heat up some food from your fridge. I was hungry and you just kept making faces at me. Please open the door, I don't want to get mugged!

I wasn't aware that Sims could get angry with a visiting Sim for trying to make food, but Lavender was rummaging around in Alain's kitchen and it made him upset so HE KICKED HER OUT. First date? MAJOR success.

She was so upset she hurried home to ice cream out of the carton. Even looking at the kitchen made her think of her recent social faux pas.

Lavender:He HATES me. He'll never talk to me again. I am dead to him. I love ice cream. *sniffle*

As Lavender got ready for bed, I spotted this angry looking fellow in her kitchen yelling angrily at the trash compactor. I didn't even see her phone for one. I would think he just wandered in to fix it out of the goodness of his heart if not for that... expression. My goodness.

Ridiculously Grumpy Repair Man: Broken trash compactors give me 'Nam flashbacks.

I see.

As if one angry uninvited male visitor wasn't enough, then this guy showed up, accompanied by creepy music that freaked me out until I found him skulking in the ferns.

Thief: Oh please. This girl has been bragging to everyone who'll listen that she's as rich as butter. Time to take her up on her invitation.

You do know that wealthy people have house alarms? What kind of second-rate thief are you?

Thief: FML

Lav heard the commotion and decided to come down stairs.


After the police showed up, there was a brief scuffle and the thief was apprehended. Lavender realized it was 2AM and basically said "Screw this." and went back to bed.

Thief: Look, I have a particular affinity for early 2000s pop music. I couldn't help it!
Cop: Christina Aguilera was clearly more talented and seriously under appreciated. Where's my tazer...

The next day, Lavender phoned Alain right away to tell him about the break in.

Lavender: And he tried to steal my Hello Kitty iPod and-
Alain: -well you tried to steal my Shepard's Pie yesterday so forgive me if I'm not overly sympathetic.

He will never let her live her food stealin' down. Poor Lav.

Settling in for the evening, Lavender looked to the Women's Entertainment channel for comfort.

Lavender: Yes, yes. How do I get him to propose and be chained to me forever? Tell me Oprah.

Not good.

Having a weekend coming up, the Lilac founder decided to give Alain one more try before admitting defeat for the rest of her days and living as a crazy cat lady. Alain, was not one to hold grudges so he tentatively accepted her invite.

Lavender: You mean my life isn't over? Thank god. I almost bought a sweater vest and some knitting needles.

Hello handsome!

Lavender: Are you still upset with me Alain? I'm really sorry. I've learned my lesson, I promise. I even put on this amazingly skin tight dress just for you.
Alain: Must... maintain... eye contact.

After some mutual oggling, the adorable couple decided to watch some television. I think Alain is maybe the cutest elf man ever. He gets so excited over grocery sales and monster trucks rally commercials.

Eventually they wore each other out talking about ponies and cake and Alain had to say goodbye. He was, however, thoroughly intrigued in this slightly crazy red head and promised he would call.

Lavender: I'm glad you came over, Alain. I hope we get to hang out again soon. And I hope by then my walls will be back.
Fox: HEY! I'm getting the hang of it!

Lavender Lilac fell asleep dreaming of dinosaurs and her new friend. And other things that I wouldn't share with the public. You do not want to know.

Alain was at the house when Lav woke up the next morning. Adorable or creepy? Probably both.

Lavender: Oh hey! You're here again!
Alain: I never lef- I mean, I just had to see you again!

Before she could even let him in, Alain started laying on the charm.

Alain: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put "u" and "i" together.
Lavender:Oh my god, you are so sweet!
Maid: Oh please, that pick up line is older than my grandmother.

Sensing that he may be interested in more than just friendship, Lavender went in for the kill.

Lavender: Is there anyone I need to "take care of" before I get to date you, Alain?
Alain: Huh?

Of course he was mysteriously single, ahem.

They are so cute together I think I'm going to dieeee.

After some more flirting on the porch in front of the maid, the pair decided to take it inside to get to know one another.

Lavender: Sometimes I think Fox angles the camera this way on purpose.
Fox: Maybe you should be a lady and cross your legs, Miss Lilac!
Alain: I... don't mind.

Very mature, Mr. Jade.

After a while Lavender pulled the old "yaaawwwn and arm over the shoulder" trick. I am super sad that my couch has this crappy clipping, but look at their faces. They were made for each other.

Lavender: This is nice. I hope your arm sticking out of my couch cushion isn't too uncomfortable.

Alain: You could always distract me... with a kiss.

First kiss. Must resist the urge to "aww" like a derp.

And then they were like high school kids alone in the house for the first time. They kissed on the couch. They stood up and tried kissing again. They even wandered out on the porch to kiss in front of the maid.

Lavender: So when are you going to let me see if you have abs?

This girl. I swear.

Seduced by her shallowness and quest to find out how muscular he was under his clothes, Alain asked Lavender to go steady and she accepted!

Alain: This is the nicest thing to ever happen to me, Ms. Lilac. I promise I'll do my best to be a good boyfriend for you.
Lavender: And I promise to never take food from your fridge ever again.

That wraps up my first installment of the Lilac Legacy. I know it's clunky and I'm still figuring out walls and cameras, but I had a blast and I hope you enjoyed! Until next time!

thesims3 simslegacy legacy romance drama

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