The Harmony Legacy 1.0

Apr 14, 2015 14:38

Hi there! I'm Fox and welcome to the Harmony Legacy! You may know me from my oh-so-famous Sims 3 Legacy, the Lilacs. *wink*

Oh, you don't? Not even a little?

Well that's awkward.

I recently purchased a beast new computer and the Lilacs were lost in hyperspace. :[ I was super bummed and didn't post for a while, but now I'M BACK BB.

Caution: Language, adult themes, derpiness.

This is my second attempt at a Sims 3 Legacy, now with more awesome!

For the Harmony Legacy, we're going to try out the ISBI (I'm Surrounded By Idiots) challenge, inspired by Steezie's Creelman Legacy.

Go read it. Seriously.

So what is the ISBI challenge?

The point of this challenge is to try to manage an entire household through several generations while only having one character under your control.

Other household members must rely entirely on their artificial intelligence (or lack thereof), while their wants and needs remain forever hidden.

Oh boy. Let's get this train wreck started!

Meet our founder: Sunny Harmony

The Harmony family theme will remain anonymous for now, bwa haha!

Sunny is... special. Sunny is what happens when you model someone after an /actual/ Disney princess. She has good looks, the IQ of room temperature and the attention span of a small terrier. Don't believe me?



-Hopeless Romantic

-Easily Impressed


That's like, every Disney Princess ever. All she needs now are some dead parents and woodland creatures.

Sunny: It is sooo nice to meet you! I'm sure we will get along splendly!

Yes, yes. I'm sure it will be loads of fun when you're knee deep in babies and everyone else is on Free Will. Now, pay attention!

House tour!

I tend to like my houses well lit and airy. Sometimes I wish I could live in the houses I build. Q_Q They're so lovely!

Sunny: She looks like me!

Yeah, that actually wasn't intentional, believe it or not. Cute painting though! <3

Sunny: Well, this is nice! So... where's my Prince Charming?

Ahem. Well. You have to find one.

Sunny: I have to try? Who's idea is that?

Sunny: *grumbles* Thank goodness I'm adorable.

I have to say, I really love the way she looks. I tried to give her some unique traits which is why her lips always look like they're whistling. =_= I almost changed it but I think it's kind of cute.

Sunny: Let the man hunt begin!

Sunny: Oh, what a dapper gentleman!

Where?! Get him!

Dapper Child: Excuse me miss, but do I need to phone the authorities? You're old enough to be my legal guardian. I do not appreciate you're implied advances.

Chill out, Benjamin Button, we're leaving.

Sunny: There are only kids here. What should I do?

You aren't very good at this man hunting thing, are you? *sigh* Go check the park across the way, there's bound to be some man flesh there.

Sunny: So, I just sit here... and look adorable?

It works for most founder ladies. Worth a shot.

Red Head Townie: Ah, the old bait and switch tactic. That's how I captured fell in love with my husband. So romantic.
Sunny: Right?! Wait... what?

Okay, if using her looks as bait doesn't work, those steaks will!

Seriously. Those look ridiculously good.

Thief: Ladies?  ;) ;) ;)

Um. No. Nice try though.

Here. *prod* Go talk to these nice folks.

And what about him? He looks nice.


Sunny: Hellllllooo, Prince Charming! Er... elf ears? Do I like elf ears?

Yes, I you love them, now say hello.

Sunny: Hello.
Leo: Hello.


Sunny: So, maybe you can help me out. I'm looking for a soul-mate. How about it?

SUNNY. DIAL IT BACK GIRL. You've known him for ten seconds.

Leo: ... uh. Ohhh, let me guess. You're a Legacy Founder?
Sunny: Yep! I'm Sunny Harmony.

Leo: Brand new house, new town, fresh start? Surrounded by single men?
Sunny: Uh, yeah!

Leo: Do you know the entire point of starting a Legacy?
Sunny: No! What?!

*Five minutes later*

Sunny: Oh. Fox neglected to mention. Well. All of that.


Regardless, the pair got along fairly well and I'll keep Leo in mind!

Back to the Batcave!

Sunny: Well that was definitely an eventful day. I have to work in the morning, so good night world!

Sunny has a career in the Law Enforcement because that's what goody-goodies do and I thought it was appropriate. Stopping crime with her Disney Princess powers and whatnot.

At first I was like "Aw, that outfit isn't so bad!" Most of the work uniforms are fug.

And then I was like "... why doesn't she have shoes on?!"

Sunny: Pst, I still don't have a boyfriend~.

I dunno, go chat up a neighbor or something.

Sunny: How come my house isn't that nice?!

Because you're broke. AND YOU'RE HOUSE IS NICE. >:[

Sunny: Hmm. I wonder who lives here anyway?


Sunny: Whoa.. I feel dizzy. Is that normal?
Aiden: ... asdlkfj...?

I've never had this happen between two Sims, haha. It was adorable!

Sunny: Mm mm mm. Nice view...
Aiden: ... o_o

How. Cute. Is. HE? Oh my lawds. GET HIM TIGER!

Sunny: Your house is sooo cute. But that's not the only cute thing I'm looking at. ;)

Aiden: Why thank you!

Aiden: She thinks I'm cute.

Ask him on a date!

Aiden: Am I... in trouble?
Sunny: Huh? Why?

They head off to the beach to have some hot dogs and hang out.
Sunny has never cooked a day in her life so... I hope they need a little extra char in their diet.

Surprisingly she didn't burn their dinner!

Sunny: I know what I'd like to have for dinner. ;)

Leo: *materializes*  This is a public park. Is that really family appropriate?

Because that's not awkward. At all.

Aiden: *is oblivious* I love hotdogs! I wonder if they have any sauerkraut?
Sunny: *is mortified*

Leo: What? I'm just going to have a sausage and be on my way. Though I am kind of surprised to see blondie here with another gentleman so soon after flirting with me.  :I

Sunny: So... how's it going?
Leo: ... :I

Come on, Leo! You know how Legacy ladies are. They gotta test the water if you know what I mean.

Sunny: Your skin is amazing. Do you moisturize?
Aiden: :) ?
Leo: *lurks*

I fear for this potential gene pool.

After some swimming, the two headed back to Sunny's house to relax. Leo was being a bit too interested in their date for comfort.

Sunny: Fox, I got one! Now that I have him in my house all I have to do is convince him to stay!
Aiden: *gulp*

Lol at his expression.

Sunny: You know, I'm not very good at this dating thing. But I'm pretty sure we have something sepcial.

Sunny: Maybe he could be my Prince Charming!

Sunny: *leans in*
Aiden: Whoa there, tiger.


Aiden: You're a great girl but I don't move that fast. Let's take it slow for now okay?
Sunny:... oh. Okay..



Sorry it's a little sub-par in the comedy area but I'm shaking off the rust.

Thanks for reading, bbz. <333

thesims3 simslegacy legacy romance drama

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