Yellowstone Caldera. excerpt from e-mail.

Jul 13, 2008 13:38

It's the biggest active volcano on the planet. It's due to erupt every 600,000 years. It has been over 620,000 years since it's last eruption, that one almost brought humankind to extinction. It left our planet covered in ash. Many scientists say there is no evidence that an
eruption is coming any time soon, while others say we are long overdue. Anyway, with the reversal of the Earth's magnetic field and galactic alignment quickly approaching, I think an eruption can be very likely. The bread basket will be no more.
That's 50% of the Earth's cereal crop. There will be world wide starvation
as the US is covered in several feet of ash.
Ecologists since the 70's have been saying that the bread basket is dying and will not last another 10 years from now, due to erosion, poor farming methods, alien species(of plants and such from other countries/places), a lack of biodiversity... blah blah. We are heading for another dust bowl.
You know how much grain the US pours into the ocean every year? Wastes?
It's a unbelievable amount. They can solve world hunger and store stock
Yet they say if they give the grain to poor countries, farmers there wont be able to sell their crop and they will form rebel groups in the country sides. They will not be able to conform to an urban existence or become educated. Instead there will be increased levels of terrorism and
brainwash... The overall economy of the world would be affected adversely if the price of grain changed. They have many other excuses.
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