Some random stuff.

Oct 03, 2005 10:10

First off, go read lostakasha's S7 drabble for open_on_sunday. It is so freaking funny. It has beleaguered!Giles and funny-but-doesn't-know-it!Anya. You will laff.

Secondly, I <3 Firefly. The premise is not completely wonderful, but the dialogue and characterization is phenomenal. I made random notes through the first two episodes (that I will probably post, just to generate some discussion), and I wanted to keep note-taking, but it would have lasted forever. I was writing down every other Mal quote. LOL As a matter of fact, one of the notes that I took partway through The Train Job was "I so want to have Mal's babies." LOL Now I can't wait to see Serenity, and am upset that I was idiot enough to read movie spoilers on Friday (just hours before I watched the DVDs :P). So I know what happens with several of the characters. Boo.

Also? Nathan Fillion is Mal. I thought he did a good job with Caleb, but I lost that assocation within minutes of N.F. being on-screen. He's a superb actor. I hope we get to see more of him. *grins* Like that scene in Trash, I could have done with more of him. ;)

Lastly, on a non-Firefly-related topic, I have some thoughts that have been rattling around in my head since re-watching S6, specifically, Seeing Red. I so badly want to make some points and talk about it, but I'm very very nervous about doing that, because what I'm thinking has the potential to severely, severely piss a lot of people off. I mean, de-friending kind of pissed off. Because this was an incredibly hot topic, and still continues to be, and I think what I have to say could be very wildly unpopular.

Should I go ahead and do it anyway? Or should I just resist the urge to do something that could douse an already volatile fire with high-octane gas?

Okay, so one more thing. jossverseficmix doesn't have much in the way of members, and none of them are active. I want to pimp it out, but I don't belong to any communities for that sort of thing besides su_herald, which I've already pimped through. Do you guys have any suggestions for communities that welcome self-promotion? And would you mind pimping it to your own flists?

I think that's finally it. Told y'all it was randomness today. :)
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