First off,
I did a meme a few days ago that I tagged a few people on, and I never saw anyone do it. Since it was just before Katrina hit, I figure it got lost in the flood of what happened. If you guys didn't do it because you just didn't want to, no worries. I just thought I'd point it out for the people who missed it.
I've been thinking the past few days about doing something similar to
Battle Royale and
BSC Balloon Poll. I love the concept of it, and I think it would be fun to do something interactive where other people get to decide where my vision goes. :) I just don't want to feel like I'm stealing other people's ideas. If I did something similar (but not entirely the same), would that make me an idea-stealer? (Or would it only make me an idea-stealer if I stole it and did it badly? LOL)
For those of you who were paying attention, I deleted
whedon_carousel. There was a big expression of interest when I suggested it, but then when I actually did it there were only about four people who signed up to write. That defeated the idea of having an extensive round-robin list, IMHO, so I regretfully deleted the comm. *RIP whedon_carousel*
I want to get to know some of my flist better, like people I recently added, or people who've been around awhile and I just haven't talked to. If you think I'm at least somewhat interesting and would like to get to know me better, too, drop me an IM sometime. My YIM ID is jadedcynic11981, and my MSN ID is Say hi. I love to talk to new people. :) Also, and I know these are memes that have been circulated (I just tend not to do memes in standard meme form), ask me any kind of question you'd like. How old am I, why do I like writing femslash, what's my most memorable temper tantrum, anything. :) Or, if you want to offer up an interesting tidbit about yourself, I'd like that too.
I'm feeling disconnected from fandom and my flist at the moment, can you tell? LOL
Also, I'm curious. When you guys read your flist, are there entries where you just know who wrote it before you even look at the user ID? I've discovered that lately when reading my flist. I'll be reading something and think, "Oh, that has to be
viciouswishes," or "Hey, that sounds like
karabair." And I'm always right. (Well, every time I guess. There are still some people I'm not familiar enough with their writing style to guess right away.) I just think that's kind of neat. It makes me feel like I really know my flist, even if I don't comment much. You guys are all so much a part of my life that even if I don't talk to you much, or interact with you through your journal, I still feel close to you. I can't go a day without reading about you guys' trials and traumas and mundane bits. :)
Aww, hugs all around! LOL
I guess that's it for now. I'm getting interrupted like every twenty seconds, so I better wrap it up. *grumbles about stupid work and stupid co-workers and really annoying customers*