Okay, bad news. It seems that I don't have Internet access at home anymore. :( The only time I'll be able to be online is when I bring the laptop over to the 'rents new townhouse, or when I'm at work. Unfortunately it's hard to keep up with LJ at work since I get interrupted every five seconds. I can read entries but it's hard to comment. (Reading new entries usually takes me an entire freaking day. :P) So if I don't comment on things that you've written, it's because of that. Trust me, I read every entry on my flist.
Speaking of the flist, I did two custom friends groups, RL and Fandom. A good number of you are on both, but if you suddenly realize that you're only seeing fandom posts from me and nothing personal, it's because I've got you listed under the fandom group. If you want to be on the RL list, just drop me a comment or an email and I will immediately correct it. The only reason some people aren't in my RL group is because we're not that close, or I feel you might not be interested in my personal stuff. If you indicate to the contrary, I'll fix that. :)
Okay, I got my two RL icons uploaded. I suppose I should put them in a RL-specific post, but I don't want to take the time to do a new update. I want them in this one, dammit, because they are teh cuuuute! LOL The one of me and Dewayne is not the best pic of me evah, but I still think it's adorable in general. :)
Aren't they adorable?? LOL I loves 'em.
I'll be putting up the master list for the I Will Remember You ficathon on Sunday. Right now I have to go send a final reminder email to everyone that it's due. There are already a couple really good pieces out there, one by
cornerofmadness and one by
bashipforever. I would go get the specific story links, but I'm lazy. So I'll just wait until Sunday to list them. :)
Now off to finally finish reading the
femslash_minis submissions and send feedback, and reply to everyone who sent me feedback. Woot for femslash! :D