Two good notes.

May 18, 2004 18:06

Verizon called me supposely someone called in asking if they could hook up a phone..My phone they said they found it on a train..yeah okay, and since verizoni has the serial number they will be able to get it back for me. Thank god. I was not looking forward to paying 200 bucks on a phone.

And on another positive note I am not going to my dad's house this weekend because his friend is coming up from Florida. Thank god.

I got into another fight with him over college. I said to him so the question of the night is " Are you giving me any money for college?" He responded with" Well you know I am giving you child support." Duh, you are supposed to that isn't part of it. So basically I just told him that my mom has been going through financial difficulties for the past ten years ever since the divorce but she is doing everything to get me there because my education means so much to her. He was basically speechless because he knew that I was right. This is my favorite part. I said to him " If you can't at least give me money for college well then you need to cosign a loan." He says," Well now I don't think so. I mean then I would have to pay it back if you ever defaulted." I responded with " Well, that isn't going to happen. Because when I graduate from Northeastern I will have a good job and I do not have to pay it back until I am done with school." "Oh" he said.

Oh yes, I also threw in how my mom is taking out a loan for me and will still be sending me money for neccessities. He obviously didn't know what to say. When he kept rambling I put down the phone and just loudly said some "mhm's"

Well then. I have to call Panera and Northeastern tomorrow. I really need to quit with this procrastination it isn't getting me anywhere. I especially love that I have 6 illustrations due on Thursday and I haven't started. Oh, and did I mention that I have work tomorrow.

Life is swell.
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