Jul 02, 2005 00:17
Strength and conditioning 7-8:30 AM. Whatever. Same old, same old.
Stopped at Dunkin Donuts for my coffee and wheat bagel, sat by myself thinking quietly. This woman with dark brown hair complemented me on my purse, and the pleasant statement surprised me. In this world people are too absorbed in their own lives that they rarely take time to notice the ambience around them or appreciate simple occurrences. Too often we're rushing to and fro, enclosed in our seemingly infallible, isolated bubbles of life that we forget how to be courteous, how to love, how to laugh, how to respect, how to trust. The dangers around us harden our bruised and battered soldiers of hearts until we are apathetic, until we are impervious to the world around us. A smiling pair of brown eyes took the time to reassure me that there are still some people that are inherently good in this world. A single mother who was so proud of her son for going to Rutgers, but confessed that she had little money to pay for it. She congratulated me on my scholastic achievement, and I remember thinking how I wish I could become half the selfless person she is one day.
My day was nice, went by quickly, and Jason and I ate lunch together at the mall. Walked around together, people eyed us jealously. Rather gratifying experience, I might say.
Dropped candy and a card off at my Dad's business for him spending painstakingly long hours replacing the brakes on my sister's car (that she's nice enough to let me peruse as much or more than she does) after his 14 hour work day. The man can be a bastard sometimes but I admire his work ethic.
Saw Steve at Genuardi's... yay!
Phillies game was amazing. Although the Phillies played like shit (ESPECIALLY Bell, Lieberthal (yeah I spelled it wrong), and Utley (WHERE WAS HE AT SECOND WHEN THEY COULD HAVE MADE THE DOUBLE PLAY?!) Had a great time with Jason and his family...
Car ride home = shit. My head hurts from crying. I need some guidance. I need some sleep....