Life, friends, is weird.

Jan 09, 2010 16:24

I am now learning how to date, I suppose. I am hoping this will be an ongoing series.
So I joined OkCupid last week and the barrage of people has been rather overwhelming. They IM me ALL THE TIME (on the site, not giving out my sn or anything); most likely because there is a dearth of girls on the site. I've gotten some creepers (my favorite was the guy who asked me, right after saying hello, mind you, when was the last time that someone had gone down on me. This was immediately followed by 'So, want to get coffee some time?" I declined), but I've also had some pretty good conversations. Right now the current prospects are a Berkeley engineering grad student that I've been talking to a lot, a Berkeley grad who likes to talk about literature, and an artist who is about to move from Emeryville to North Berkeley.
I went for tea with the artist today. I contacted him on the site first, which is huge for me. His profile won me over (under things he currently wanted to do he listed "sampling exotic teas, baking, feeding ducks, and dancing around in pajamas to the Beatles. <3) as well as the fact that he was smoking hot. Before I left, I was pretty sure it was going to be a disaster. I'm awkward enough in general and I've only been on two first dates in my life. But I was really awkward pre-date when I was on the phone trying to meet up with him, as I give very bad directions and got mixed up on exactly what time he wanted to meet. And that was actually really, really good, because it let me have a "Well, fuck it; I've already been really awkward, it can't get worse, he'll just have to take me or leave me" moment. So I stopped the nerves before I actually met him. We went to Crixa Cakes, which is always delicious. He seems very nice and charming and we had a pretty non-awkward conversation, for a first date. He is very random, but it's in a good way, and I think I held up the conversation pretty well for me. However, I kind of got the vibe that he probably won't be calling back. This could just be my self-confidence thing combined with the fact that I think he tries to play it cool (he mentioned on his profile that he's looking for sweet girls because he's been burned before), but we'll see. In any case, it went well. It's good practice and I didn't leave it doing the over-excited, "OMG this is going to turn into something awesome" thing that gets me into trouble. If he doesn't call back, it's a little disappointing, but I'm not over-invested like I was with Matt. This is very, very good for me. And, hey, free cake and tea since he was a total gentleman and paid for me :)
The Berkeley grad who likes to talk about literature wants to get coffee with me tomorrow, so two first dates in one weekend. This is totally a new record. And even if nothing happens with any of these guys (which might even be better since I'm hopefully going to grad school next fall, which I make sure to mention early on so that they know before getting too attached), this is really, really good for me. It's amazingly confidence-boosting, which I need right now, and it's fun. This is my time to have fun.
After the date, I waited for the bus next to a rambling homeless man who I think might have proposed to me. I guess it's good to have a back-up option.
Also went to Joanna's last night for homemade dinner, which was lovely, and to breakfast in the city with Dana and Derek this morning. So much for the diet. But if it's with my friends, it's always worth it. Also, I got awesome new music for work that makes me very happy.
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