"The look on your face is delicate."

Dec 17, 2009 22:06

Just finished my NYU application, so to celebrate I drank some brandy and took a stupid survey I last took three years ago to see how things have changed. Pathetic, but I get to go out tomorrow, so it's okay :)
1. Who were you with last night? All by my damn self in my studio apartment WHERE I HAVE NO ROOMMATE :)
2. What woke you up this morning? I think being cold, so I had to immediately turn on the heat.
3. Where are you? Oakland.
4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? I still have work. But Fridays are always slightly better days.
5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? No.
6. Did you throw up today? No.
7. Where is number 7? Above this line?
8. When's the last time you cried? About a month ago.
9. When did you last fall down the stairs? No idea.
-The PAST-
10. Ever thrown up in public? Yeah. Mainly when I was little.
11. Passed out because of alcohol? No, just gotten floaty and happy. And vomited the one time.
12. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW? The EGREGIOUS CAPSLOCK USE.
13. Would you take a bullet for anyone? Probably.
14. Where would you like to live?I want to stay right here. I love the Bay Area. Though New York would also be nice, maybe.
15. What kind of home would you like? An old Victorian in San Francisco. Not that I’ll ever be able to afford one.
16. What do you want to be when you grow up? An English Professor. Hey, I finally know the answer to this one! (Maybe.)
17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In graduate school, making no money and getting abused by professors. AND I’M GOING TO LOVE IT.
18. Do you think you'll ever fly a spacecraft? I don’t even like to operate a motor vehicle. No way in Hell am I going to try and power something that flies.
19. Do you think the future will be cool? Either that or depressing. I’m leaning more towards cool if I actually get into grad school.
- ON MYSPACE - I don’t go on myspace. No one I know goes on myspace anymore. So I’m getting rid of this section but am too lazy to renumber.
27.Do you like candy necklaces?: Not really. They don’t taste that great.
28. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? I ran into my desk last week. Don’t ask. 29. Do you listen to music every day? Yes. Especially with work.
30. Do you still go trick or treating? No, now it’s parties where I apparently kiss boys. And drink.
31. What was the last thing you ate? Pesto. Mmmm, pesto.
32. Are you a fast typer? I’m pretty good for two fingers.
33. How many people have you liked? I like lots of people.
34. What are you doing this weekend? Gingerbread houses with Dana and friends, Christmas shopping, at least three graduate applications.
35. Whats your favorite type of SODA? Coke Zero.
36. Have you ever moved? Yeah.
37. Have you ever won an award? A few.
38. Do you do any sports or other activities that are unusual? Probably not.
39. What do you want to do right now? The impossible.
40. Are you listening to music right now? Just my heater.
41. Do you like someone?: I really shouldn’t.
42. What's one word or Phrase you really love? Too many. English major here.
43. How many days till your birthday? Many.
44. When were you the saddest in your whole life?: When I was thirteen.
45. What time is it? 9:44
46. Do you use EBay to buy or sell? No.
47. What makes you pissed off? Idiocy.
48. Have you ever had a song written about you? Nope. Michael wrote me some poems, though.
49. What song makes you cry? I have a playlist of songs that make me weepy. It is entitled “Sad Cliché.” 50. What song makes you happy? Right now it’s all about Regina Spektor and Amanda Palmer.
51. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed? I don’t know.

52. Do you have a job? Yes.
53. What does Your CD player have in it right now? All of it is on iTunes. Neutral Milk Hotel is in my laptop at work.
54. If you were a crayon what color would you be? If I were a crayon, I would be sentient, and therefore would have no clue what color I was.
55. What makes you happy? My friends and the prospect of grad school.
56. Cheese Whiz? Ew.
57. What's the next CD you're gonna get I really want to pick up some more The Bad Plus and maybe some Cocteau Twins or The Swell Season.
[Height:] 5'4ish.
[Hair:] Brown and permanently everywhere.
[Eye Color:] Grey-blue-green.
[Piercings:] Ears.
[Tattoos:] None.
[Wearing right now:] Pajama pants.
[What taste is in your mouth?] Brandy.
[Get motion sickness?] Yup.
[Have a bad habit?] Sure.
[] Sucked for me
[] Was awesome
[x] Was ok. It was awesome sometimes, then sucked sometimes.

2009 I..
[x] Dumped someone
[sort of? ] Was dumped.
[ ] Dyed my hair
[] Failed a class
[] Fell in love.
[] Had love at first sight
[] Snuck out of my house
[x] Stayed up all night
[x] Cried because I missed someone
[] Missed curfew
[x] Kissed someone who I regret kissing
[x] Kissed someone I liked
[x] Made honor roll
[x] Danced crazily with my friends all night
[x] Gained confidence
[ ] Lost a friend(s)
[x] Gained new friends
[ ] Changed look

2010 I want to...
[] Be more outgoing
[] Get better grades
[] Care less about how I look
[] Care more about how I look
[] Be crazier
[ ] Keep my resolution
[x] Be more of myself around people
Words to describe 2009: Transitioning.
2010 I will be turning: 24
Something I want to happen in 2009? Grad school.
Something I don’t want to happen in 2009? To not get into grad school.
My theme song for 2009 would be? Lately it’s always Regina’s “On the Radio.”
Favorite color in 2009: Blue?
summer 2009: First real job.

My best friends in 2009: Dana, Katy, Liz, the usual suspects, etc.
First kiss in 2009: Michael.
How many people did you kiss in 2009: Two. New record.
Honestly, will you miss 2009? Not if things get better. Though I miss being at Berkeley like mad.

Survey Number Two ("Does she really have that little of a life?")

1. Where were you 1 hour ago? Taking a shower.
2. Who will be your next kiss? I have no idea.
4. When is the last time you went to the mall? A while ago.
5. Are you wearing socks right now? No.
6. When was the last time you went out of the state? Geez. I think I’ve been only in California since London. Hopefully that will change soon!
7. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? No.
8. What was the last thing you had to drink? Brandy.
9. What are you wearing right now? Pajamas, which I answered earlier.
10. What was your last purchase? Groceries.
11. Last food you ate? Pesto.
12. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Parents.
13. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Nope.
14. Do you have a pet? Nope.
15. When’s the last time you cried? Already answered this.
16. What's your favorite class? Don’t have classes. Sad Sarah :(
17. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? With friends. Which I’ll do tomorrow night! 18. What is the last thing you purchased online? Christmassy stuff.
19. One thing you hate about yourself? I can be really stupid. But only sometimes.
20. What's your favorite soup? Tuscan tomato bread soup.
21. Do you miss anyone? Yes.
22. Last movie you saw? Precious.
23. What are your plans for the day? To go to sleep. I’m ambitious.
24. Who is the last person you commented on myspace? No idea, don’t care.
25. Ever go to camp? Science Camp in sixth grade for a week.
26. Were you an honor roll student in school? Yes.
28. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? No.
30. Where are your best friends located? Berkeley, Lodi/Stockton, Brea, various places in California.
32. How old do you want to be when you have kids? I don’t want them, though everyone tells me that will change. Old, as figuring out what the hell I want to do first would probably help.
33. Last person who made you cry? I’m a fool.
34. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Ears.
35. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Yes.
37. Do you like hot sauce? No.
38. Last time you had alcohol? Drinking brandy right now. I’m such a lush.
39. Who do you like? I like brandy.
40. What is your mood? Okay,
41. Are you someone’s best friend? Yes. I believe.
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