A wonderful way to get rid of thoughts about exams is to watch a good movie. One week after its premiere, I finally got to watch TRANSFORMERS. And I've been planning to watch it ever since I saw the trailer. The movie was just oh-so-cool. Really loved it. It was way, way, way better than Spiderman and Fantastic 4. But I can't compare it to 300 though. I loved that movie too. SO far these two movies are the good ones I've watched so far. Worth spending the money. Nyahaha.
My heart was pumpin' all throughout the movie. There was like a time that my mouth was open for a long time and I only realized it when my jaw was starting to feel numb. Haha. The autobots have good sense of humor. And even though there were some cheesy lines, well, it was still great because the lines got to me. *touching..awww*.
Plus I loved the military guy and Amaury Nolasco of Prisonbreak was there. And the hot girl-geek guy tandem worked.
So anybody interested in watching the movie? Just holler back..(as Ate Kikay would say it). Looking forward to watching it again.
..and because of watching Transformers, I missed Hotel Hibiscus.
chaitimm said it was boring. Hehe. No regrets? Hopefully I can watch tomorrow.
Jin's birthday celebration later. Kyaa!