New schedule

Aug 12, 2016 17:05

We have a few projects in the oven right now. I'm so freaking sick of Mist Country that I haven't looked at it in a month, and feel exactly no guilt over that matter. I've been rereading the first* draft of Sun Man, and it could use a real hack n slash, but it's not terrible. That might be a distant project, if someone asks what we're doing next.
But really, we need to lock in this agenting business. That means changing the end of Folds, which I think I'm okay with. She doesn't like that aliens come down and fix everything--okay, fine, that makes sense.
Before I start outlining what should happen instead, we need to work out a schedule. Howabout this: go crazy on the blog, build up a month of entries, then use that month of time to really sit down and redraw the whole back half of the thing. It shouldn't be too difficult, compared to coming up with the fucker from scratch--I think a lot of the original writing can even be used again. It means we have to get rid of the fire sermon, which is good, I never liked that bit. it means thw whole thing might go a lot darker. It has to, now I think about it. and longer. Ugggggh.
so all of that can happen in September. It's the 12th now, and October is going to be taken up a lot of it with germany, so that's the best I can do for a first draft of the new end. I can do a maximum of nineteen entries in that time, which should be more than enough, but allowing for weekends and other procrastination, thirteen is more likely. I just have to stay disciplined. More uggh.
SO there you have it. Blog the ever living crap out of things until September can be hands-free, then spend September deep in artist angst about Folds. Ideally, that business gets finished by Sep 30, but if that can't be arranged, I have until Oct 23 to really pin it down and get to a good stopping point. November may or may not be a Nano--I'll be gone the first week, and I have no ideas--but no loss if that doesn't happen. I can certainly use it for editing and polishing. The goal here is to have something to show Noble by New Years.
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