The Story of my Life

Sep 29, 2005 20:46

You know what? Yeah, me neither. Life's a real bitch sometimes. And I mean that in the most endearing way possible. Anyhow, I have this idea for a story stuck in my head that I believe I may actually be able to write because it's based around a constant story line,that I keep playing in my head almost constantly. It keeps me sane and occupies my time when I have nothing better to do. You see. People will see me walking around or sitting, and I’ll be smiling like an idiot. More likely then not it's because something hilarious or enjoyable in my story line has occurred. Other people just think I'm happy or having a good day. Usually it's quite the opposite, but i'm not going to tell them why I'm really laughing; they'd think I'm crazy. I'm not crazy. I promise. Well, maybe a bit, but that doesn't count. But basically I’m thinking about putting these chopped up stories together into something coherent. I'm not sure how I’ll manage it because my stories don't really flow in any specific pattern I just change them to fit my needs at that particular time. But yeah. Hopefully I’ll start working on that. I think it will be very therapeutic.
I have all these plans to do History early this chapter because i made the exact same grade on this last test as i did on the first one. It's not bad. I just know i can do better. So we'll see how that actually pans out.

*Boys with guitars are ment to break hears*
yep, Go have another drink and drive yourself home.
okay i'm done. Goodnight.
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