(no subject)

Sep 14, 2005 16:36

I think my last entry may have jinxed me. I've lost it. The self-confidence and the assurance that somehow I’ll be okay died a horrible death in the course of two days. When I’m at school I really just feel like I’m locked inside this cage that is myself and I just can't get close to other people. I'm lost and lonely and scared because I’m almost positive that I'll end up going through this year without developing any deep relationship with anyone. So many people surround me and yet I’m so lonely that it twists my heart and makes me cry by simply thinking about it. And I don't know what to do. I just don't. I've tried really I have, but everything i do and everyone I turn to seem to be a dead end and i just feel almost ready to give up. I'm drowning and I’m not sure anyone's there to save me. I've pulled myself through things like this before, but right now everything just feels so fucking helpless.
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