Nothing of Consequence

Jul 12, 2005 20:50

There isn't really anything important to talk about. The only reason I’m writing is that I’m bored. I have nothing to do. Actually, I take that back. I have plenty to do I simply don't want to do it. How pathetic is that. I'm a lazy ass bum. At least I can admit it and don't go around with delusions of grandeur about myself. Scratch that, I do. I simply know that I’m a procrastinator. A pretty fine procrastinator at that, but not the best. I know quite a few who are better at it then me. You see to be the best at it you have to do some of your best or at least some great work once you've procrastinated. So I guess I’m just faking it. Maybe I should stop. I could go for some coffee right now.
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