Jun 29, 2004 09:21
In light of being at work and hating it (as well as a conversation I had with Les last night about our jobs) I've decided to post the five funniest things that have thusfar happened to me while at work...in no particular order -
1. The first one is a phone conversation...
Me - "financial aid, this is Ron"
person - "Hi Ron, I'm the parent of my daughter"
2. Another phone conversation...
Me - "financial aid, this is Ron"
person - "Hi, is this the bursar's office?"
3. Yet another phone conversation...
Me - "financial aid, this is Ron"
person - "Yes, I was wondering if this is the right place to call about lowering my tuition."
Me - "what's your reasoning for us to lower your tuition?"
person - "well, i can't really afford it now so i just wanted it to be lower so i could afford it"
4. So a guy walks into the office and asks me a question and I answer him and then he says to me "i don't trust you. do you mind if i wait to talk to her" (pointing to dianne who is the older lady that works at the front desk with me)? So i say whatever and he waits and dianne ends up telling him the EXACT same thing, word for word and he walks out completely satisfied. Just because i'm younger than you doesn't mean i'm not smarter damnit.
5. (and this is by far the funniest thing yet)
So a girl walks into the office and completely seriously asked me "do you have to be a student to take out a student loan?"
And now everyone can understand what I have to deal with everyday at work.