For all of this.... I`m better off without you

Oct 09, 2004 09:46

went to the football game...we so owned dexter (62-27) yeah SCOREBOARD first it was just me erin `n emma...we are so uncool, were kool lol.... the first half i hated i`ve never felt more alone in sucha big group of people.finally at half time we started walkin` around (me,david, dj , kathryn, `n dana) and we stole DJ`z hate `n he got mad so me `n dana started fake crying so funny, the only one who didn`t fall for it was david===> he knows me all to well. we played with my lil cuzin` nick lol who is adorable =) lol david `n dj `n DJ had to leave. me, dana, `n kathryn left at the beginning of the 4th quater.we were yellin` scoredboard at the dexter ppl. lol we are such dorkz. so we got back to my house `n we were gonna kall 95.5 and say *this is some chelsea bulldog fans and we have a msg. for the dexter dreadnaughts...SCOREBOARD!* lol but we never got through!! then they left `n i went to sleep =P

now i have to clean my room *ick*

<3 chelsie
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