Apr 22, 2004 10:24
thursday/. no work all week.
friday. check schedule to find next weeks work.
saturday. b-day for one of the boys.
sunday. ::shrug::
this absolutely ridiculous. did i mention that my flyer was pilfered as well as my mug? its a good thing jeff jablonski sticky-back-foam-taped the milk carton to the wall. or else THAT'd be gone too!!! unfortunately i know the identity of the flyer thief. and i am none too happy about it. i dont want to have to maim any of an ex's family, annoying and distant as they may be. though i'm sure it would give me great satisfaction. now i await the day we, thief and i meet again for the showdown of wits. oh yes...i shall play yhe unsuspecting victim...she shall play the guilt ridden purloiner of defensless mugs. and i shall bend her to my will!!! and she shall BREAK!!!
actually i can't decide if i was more angry or amused at the situation. apparently the thief thought she saw the mug in the parking lot, and so absolutely had to take the flyer, fold it up and pocket it in order to go out and chect to make sure....
if your eyebrows arent screwed up in a knot yet...she not only took my flyer with exactly that excuse, but did not get up to go check the now apparently profoundly heavy mug and instead continued to play a game of euchre...
take it and run silly mortal!!! did you really think i wouldn't find you out!!!! it was so easy, i had not even to beg a description from the witnesses
i wish i had more bait...
but ne'er would i wish for bad things to happen to little brother mug...far too young and innocent for such nefarious behavior....
i wish that it were time for food. i guess i could drive all the way back home and get some pizza. but alas, i haven't the gas to be making such a trip. i haven't the gas for much of anyhitng. i need freaking money. now!! arrgghh. have to start letting the bank account build up so i can move out. except...if i move out, it'll only be for 6 months or so...supposedly. and then i'll be on my ass. will mommy and daddy let me come crawling back? why don't i just freaking stay at home??? is it worth my sanity to not move away? i can't possibly pay for school and rent at the same time. wouldnt that be lovely. maybe i'll just go back to mt. plesant, but what am i going to school for anyway? the arts are the fists thing they cut in schools, and besides what the hell is with all these teacher lay offs? its bullshit i say...and then i imagine my life 5 years from now still in the catalog dept...wow....it looks superb...i'll say it again: superb.
well yay for the morning update...
it is almost time to get non-breakfast type food at mc d's. the breakfast really is horrifying sometimes there...and i thought the burgers were greasy...ANyhew i think that's it...oh, besides the fact that i've got to wear my sunglasses around today becasue i put my regular ones under the pillow and must have slept ont hem wierd and the screw that holds the lense in popped out and i made myslef late today trying to screw it in and couldnt do it so now i'm a bare faced lie and nervous makes me push up nonexistant glasses i would wear the sunglasses inside but i already got asked by a policeman who said goodmorning with that look, you know that i know you've been up to bad things just wait'll i catch you red handed look. yeah that one. the only bad thing i've done as of yet, okay...there were more than just the only one, but so what? ACtually i was pretty good last night, so i think it really makes up for all of the bad....anyone want to go sledding with me? i got the sled, you find the snow and let me know and we'll go.
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quos deus vult perdere prius dementat