On Wednesday in an interview with ABC News, President Bush took a step toward endorsing a radical amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would single out a group of Americans for discrimination: "If necessary, I will support a constitutional amendment which would honor marriage between a man and a woman, codify that."
It is never necessary to insert prejudice and discrimination into the U.S. Constitution.
Call your Representative and Senators in their district offices THIS WEEK to urge them to not cosponsor or vote for the Federal Marriage Amendment, House Joint Resolution 56 and Senate Joint Resolution 26.
Click here or visit
http://capwiz.com/hrc/dbq/officials/ to look up the district office phone number for your members of Congress.
Background on the Federal Marriage Amendment:
The Federal Marriage Amendment goes far beyond defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman - its intent and effect is to deny basic rights and protections under the law to same-sex couples and their families. Denying marriage rights to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender citizens deprives millions of hardworking, taxpaying citizens - and their children - of more than 1,000 protections and benefits under federal law.
Since the Bill of Rights, the founding document of our country has only been amended 17 times - and it has never been amended to single out a group of people for unfair treatment. Our Constitution should be used to protect and expand rights, not restrict them - and it should never be misused to play election-year politics.
With millions of people out of work, American men and women dying in Iraq, and the country facing the threat of terrorism, Congress should not spend time on passing a discriminatory amendment to the Constitution. There are many other priorities that the country should be focused on in these trying times, rather than dragging the nation through a long and divisive battle over the Constitution.
As political analyst Charlie Cook wrote ("Putting Gay Marriage In Political Perspective," 11/25/03): "Regardless of how they might feel about same-sex marriage, many potential voters might look at the candidate or party stressing the issue and wonder what planet they come from, to dwell on issues like this when far more important priorities are at stake."
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