Sep 09, 2015 15:19
When did mental health status become a requirement to disclose for friendship?
I'm still stuck on people who are judgemental but I don't want to rant about that. I'm trying my best to get over things... More things were said by family will never end.
I need mindlessness.... here's a survey:
What's the best place you've found to eat in your neighborhood?
Who were you with when you found it?
What's your favorite type of activity to do alone?
Fill in the Blank:
I would tell a white lie if...
I am not a good listener when...
My greatest dissatisfactions center around...
If I knew I could not fail I would....
I feel most joy in my life when...
I'm stubborn when...
I'm open about myself to others if...
I could be understood better if...
I get in my own way when...
I missed a significant opportunity in my life when...
I tend to sabotage myself when...
Who is your biggest influence in life?
Tell me something about yourself that makes you happy.
What is your greatest accomplishment in life so far?
I use these questions in groups I run sometimes. It's interesting. Oh, and feel free to ask me a question in return.