Jul 25, 2007 14:07
Been in Ireland since Thursday, it is wonderful out here. the weathers great still around 30C at the moment and very sunny (let hope that lasts). been very busy working horses in the mornings and working in the theatre (ironically called pheonix) at night then off to the pub. been told i;ll have a beer belly by the time i leave. So happy to be away from all the Drama thats been going on between ppl in AZ and OH, think i might never come back. the people here are wonderful, so friendly and taking me out and showing me all the ropes around here. every ones in walking distance so i can go visit poeple when the guys arn't home.
havn't been much of a tourist yet, but i'm going out to dublin tomorrow with some of the guys from pheonix. here to be shown around. Got to see my first Hurly match, its really is brilliant sport to watch. being tought how to play pool properly and remeber every bodys names.
but thats all i have time for