Jun 02, 2006 13:09
Poor Gypsy. We just got home from the vet. She's got a fever and she's dehydrated, and hasn't kept any food down for almost two days. They put her on some antibiotics, but we have to feed her barium tonight and get another x-ray tomorrow morning. She's a Lab (notorious chewers), so she could have some kind of blockage in her stomach or small intestine (both of which were full and swollen in today's x-ray). They're hoping that the barium will just pass through, and if it does she'll just keep taking antibiotics until she feels better. If not... well, surgery might be necessary.
She's just so darn quiet... it's not like her at all. I'm pretty worried about her. And this is really not going to be kind to our pocketbooks. I know that sounds kinda heartless and should be the least of the worries, but it's still gonna make it a bit tough for us. The shots she got today are making her pretty sleepy, so i think we're gonna take a nice long nap together. I just hope she'll be okay.