Nov 19, 2010 22:35
As you have probably gathered by now this is a Christmas card exchange.
Now on to the kind of Christmas cards you want to send, this is really up to you as the sender. This can be anything from artfully drawing and hand making your card with a cover or Spock and Kirk having sweaty, flexible, porn man sex or put a little sweet hidden drabble on the inside of an inconspicuous Santa card and everything in between. If you just want to send or receive general Christmas cards with season’s greetings from someone who likes the same pairing as you do is entirely up to you. Play on your own skills. If you are great at baking send a card with your favorite or best recipe. Or if you are really skilled at drawing stick figure porn we welcome it all!
Now you are asking how do we know who will want what and how will you know what you should send, right? We’ll even if you’re not I’m telling you anyway!
The Application:
Name: (this can be your sign in name or your real name or whatever name you want your name to be sent to)
Email: (this is to receive your send list)
*Type of Card: (this is where you list the type of card you would like to receive; Work Safe, Non-Work Safe, or General)
Paring: (this is where you put the paring(s) you would like to receive *)
List to Receive: (this is where you state the kind of card you’d like to give out; Work Safe, Non-Work Safe and/or General)
Leave this in a message below (all messages are screened and are only viewable by me).
Explanation of the Application:
* In case you are unfamiliar with some of the terminology used, though most of you probably know it, here it is again:
Non-Work safe: this is what you put if you would like dirty steamy blatant slash (this will get you FIRED if you were to have it on your computer screen at work)
Work Safe: this is what you put if you want no dirty steamy slash (things that won't get you in trouble were you to have it up on your computer screen at work)
General: this is what you put if you want no slash mentioned but would like to give a general fanwork or a shout and worm season’s greetings to like-minded people..
* Know that the paring you will receive is up to the sole discretion of the sender, not the recipient.
List will be closed on December 8th at midnight.