(no subject)

May 29, 2008 01:43

Title: The Irony
Author: Greko
Pairing: Soubi/Ritsuka
Rating: I’m going to change this to R just to play it safe.
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I don’t know the person who does own them. I gain no profit from this. I just like to play with them sometimes. I'm just a deranged girl with too much time on my hands.
Summary: Soubi finds Ritsuka’s real name.
Warnings: Abuse
A/N: sorry summary sucks this is my first lovless fic so…

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3 ½

Ritsuka shifted in his bed and snuggled down into its warmth, pulling the comforter closer to himself. With a sigh he happily opened his eyes- to come face to face with an empty bed. His eyes filled with sadness as he ran an outstretched arm along the abandoned space that should have been occupied by his Sentoki. He rolled over onto the side of the bed that he’d come to think of as belonging to Soubi. Snuggling into the still warm bedding, he nuzzled his face into the pillow that gave off the unique and rather intriguing scent that usually clung to the blond. It was a rather odd mix of sakura, musk, crisp clean water, and cigarettes.

He pulled the pillows between his arms and legs and hugged them in an attempt to feel as though he was embracing a body, a hopeless attempt to rid himself of the aching sense of loneliness. Soubi had begun to spend the night more often, practically living at Ritsuka’s home during the evenings for the greater part of the week, and Ritsuka still had yet to wake up with him. It was maddening, not to mention highly annoying. A soft pout rested on Ritsuka’s full lips as his ears flattened against his head in irritation. The pillow was a completely inadequate replacement for his Sentoki he decided as he pushed it away. He sighed in frustration and a slight hint of sadness.

Resolved not to bother getting out of bed yet, the amethyst eyed boy yawned and tried to go back to sleep, school could wait. Before he began to drift off, in fact before he had even gotten comfortable, he heard the distinct sound of his shower turning off. He shot up in his bed, his back straight and ears moving back to listen closer in the direction of the bathroom door.

He hadn’t even realized his shower was on, his depression being the only thing that had occupied his mind. Ritsuka cursed to himself for not having realized he hadn‘t been abandoned. Although he had been needlessly left to wake up alone, the blond hadn’t even left the room! His face reddened in anger at having had to wake up alone, anger that wasn’t necessarily at the blond, though it wouldn’t stop him from taking it out on Soubi per usual.

His anger completely dissipated as the blond bombshell walked from the bathroom slipping his shirt on. Ritsuka scarcely had time to stop his mouth from dropping open, though he couldn’t stop his eyes from widening. He eyed the pale flesh, flesh that he knew to be smoother than silk, where it wasn’t scarred. He watched as the arms adjusted the shirt, arms that he knew to be covered in blond hair so thin and soft that it could only be seen in a certain light. The fact that it was still slightly damp made the blonde’s skin glisten in the most enticing way. His eyes lingering on the pale line of flesh where the college student’s shirt didn’t quite meet the low slung waist of his pants, where his belly button and hipbones were completely visible.

The purple eyed boy had the strange and completely inexplicable urge to touch it. He silently watched as the blond dried his long hair. When he was completely sure that the other man was engrossed in his task and unaware of him, Ritsuka surreptitiously slipped out of bed and went to wrap his arms around the exposed flesh. He stilled, reveling on the skin to skin contact. Though it was minimal, it still gave his heart a slight jump in exhilaration. There was something about Soubi that made the boy’s heart beat faster the closer he was to him. Since the day they had met, it only seemed to be getting worse. It was part of the reason he was so severe with Soubi; the adrenaline of being so close to the Sentoki made his moods so much sharper, for the good and bad.

Soubi jumped as the thin arms of his Sacrifice made their way around him. He looked down over his shoulders at the dark head that was snuggling into the small of his back. Smiling affectionately he ran a hand through the shorter boy’s silky hair.

“Ohayo,” he said quietly, letting his affection resonate in his voice and the contentment shine in his eyes. He received no response from the boy as he continued to slowly run his thin artistic fingers though his Sacrifice’s feather soft, borderline blue-toned hair.

Realizing the boy wasn’t going to release him any time soon, Soubi turned to face him so that Ritsuka’s head was now resting on his flat tummy. Soubi rubbed at the boy’s back and asked, “Are you ok?” The slight worry he felt easily seeped into his tone of voice, as one hand moved to carefully caress the bruise on the boy‘s cheek bone and trace the cut caused by his mothers wedding ring, that he knew would be covered with gauze later. He received a silent nod in return.

Ritsuka turned and grabbed his own clothes for a shower. “Do you have classes today?” He asked with his back still turned.

“Yes,” Soubi answered his sacrifice, his head tilted as he tried to gauge what sort of mood the boy was in.

Ritsuka nodded and said, “You should go. Will you be here when I get home?”

Soubi nodded, surprised that his Sacrifice remembered that today was a long day for him. His eyes followed Ritsuka’s slender figure disappear into the bathroom before he stepped out of the room and silently closed the balcony door behind himself, though the only sign was a slight upturning of his lips. His Ritsuka actually paid attention to when he had class!
Soubi shared the small secretive smile with himself that would be seen various times threw out the day - as he climbed down from his sacrifice’s room, on his walk to class, sitting in class, while he finished up his final project for the week, and even while he pretended to listen to what Kio was talking about during lunch. It was even present as he opened the balcony door and lay out on his sacrifice’s bed to await Ritsuka’s return from school.


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