Warning:pay attention where you post you writting

Oct 26, 2007 08:33

My best friend is a huge writer and loves to share his stuff and not like me just to get feedback he does it for the joy of sharing it. Now here's the shitty part. He likes to post his stuff online. Yesterday a book came out. It had one of his poems in it, word for word. HIS poem with someone else's name on it. The only way he found out was his publisher called him to chew him out for selling it to someone else. Thing is he didn't the bastard just ripped off his work, from online. He has already tore everything he's written off line (I did as well, it's sad but I did)The only thing we trust is each other and DA because they have protection for th artists. BUT there is nothing he can do about the poem. Anything he could do would involve lawyers and he is a textbook poor college student (aren't we all hehe). SO just keep in mind where you are putting your work.
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