Sep 01, 2010 11:02
I'm going to be blunt:
Do not cross-post any portion of my LJ entries, comments, or whatnought to Twitter, FB, or any other social media. I do not care whether or not the actual friends lock filters work when cross- posting.
If I want to post something to Facebook, Twitter, or whatnought, then I will do so, myself. It will be MY choice to do that. I use LJ to share more substantial bits with friends that I trust, with whom I want to share information
If cross-posting occurs, then it means I can't trust you enough to respect my wishes, and you shall be promptly removed forthwith.
If you are opting into this cross-posting functionality, I would appreciate being told so I make adjustments to my filters as needed.
I appreciate your understanding of this situation.
(ETA: I will not be using this feature myself;I will be respecting my friends' privacy.)