As most of you know, my father works with Big Cats and has a small rescue organization in Florida dedicated to saving animals that otherwise be put down or who have no where else to go. Zoos won't take these animals. Consequently, I've met quite a number of individuals & groups that also do the same thing in different ways. And they figure out ways to pay for the upkeep on these animals -- some do paid public appearances with animals; some open up their organizations to tours; some train the animals to do film work.
Two friends who are animal handlers up in Montana/Wyoming just got caught up in an awful government snafu. The hubby, who has all of the appropriate federal licenses from the USDA ("Captive Bred Wildlife", etc) to keep wildlife and train them. T&T do both film work -- training animals for film -- but they also take care of "challenged" animals (a blind mountain lion & wolf and a 3-legged bobcat, etc) that would otherwise be put down by other groups.
In 2005, he purchased & transported a tiger from another group. A federal biologist had to approve the sale (which he did), and everything was thought to be legal & kosher. Except, that the group in question didn't have a federal license to sell the animals, although they had been doing it publically for 20 years before T dealt with them. T had known other groups purchase animals from said group and that they had a good reputation in the animal circle.
He didn't think to check to see if they had the appropriate permits, especially since the sale had been approved by the right people.
Consequently, T&T were caught up in the debacle. They were charged with transporting an illegal tiger across state boundaries, although they had done everything according to the 'law' and they had the paperwork to prove it.
In order to keep his licenses, T entered into a plea-bargain with the government, which apparently the USDA is not honoring. They suspended all of his licenses, including the ones that allow him to take the animals out of their enclosures for exercise on his property. This also means that the animals can't "work" to do any films, which is the bulk of how T&T pay for the upkeep on all the animals. However, they allowed him a menagerie license which allows him to keep only 10 animals.
T&T have more than 10 animals. They are NOT allowed to donate/give, sell, or transport the other animals to any other group or rescue organization. The only thing they are allowed to do is euthanize them. Obviously, this is *not* an option for them, as all the animals are healthy. (Note: most of the animals that T&T have are *endangered*. They are required to now euthanize healthy *endangered* animals)
They have tried selling the business to other groups who have shown interest (while they stay on as the expert animal handlers), but the US government has blocked all attempts to do so, and have denied permits to any person/group that tries to help T&T or the animals.
I've *been* on T&T's ranch. I've *seen* them with animals. They have the same patience and care that I've seen my father have when working with his Big Cats. T is phenomenal with animals; and they respond to his obvious care. These animals are *not* abused. They are well-cared and loved. Sick animals are always given the best vetinary care, and they have a sick room in the house to take care of any animals that need extra TLC.
They have always done *everything* by the book. And now, they are faced with losing all monetary support for the animals AND being forced to euthanize more than several endangered animals. They made enough money from their work animals (about 4-5) to take care of all the other animals and to just barely make ends meet for their household. (For those that don't know, it takes about $200 a week just to feed one of my dad's mountain lions. T&T have bears, wolves, and large cats.)
They're at their wits end; not to mention monetary end. They've emailed all of their contacts for prayers & help, and to get the word out, esp. to other government representatives.
They don't think it's fair the US Government is not honoring their plea-bargain, that they are being *forced* to euthanize otherwise healthy (and endangered) animals instead of finding new homes for them in other groups, and any attempt they make to get things right for their animals is being barred.
If anyone wants to help monetary-wise or any other way, please contact: hydetracy AT
EDITED: They've put up a
FB page with the story in their own words.