I'm rather pleased with this one. I kept waiting for the maschera to lower the second mask just "so" before I fired off the shutter in a series of shots. (I had to keep the lens up waiting for the shot, and considering how HEAVY the lens I was carrying, about 3.5 lbs or 1.6 kgs, for the length of time I'm surprised my arms didn't fall off!)
I like the idea of masks wearing masks. It's somewhat allegoric for all the layers of masks individuals will often present to the outside world. Is the face presented the true one? Or just another mask? Are they taking off or putting on yet another one?
The (once) colorful background is desaturated to sepia in order to not compete with masks, which are both originally black and/or white. I brought back the burgandy colour of the costume.
Wearing Masks
And, as with all my other photographs posted, they are for sale as various size prints. I can offer up discounts to anyone wanting copies of different prints.
©Copyright 2008 Jade Falcon & WyldFire Studios. All Rights Reserved. If you should so take these images without written permission, may the copyright gods curse you including, but not limited to, having your hair fall out, suffer from incontinence, and be riddled with sexual impotence. Have a nice day.