A meme!

Aug 24, 2010 20:29

*dusts off the icon* I haven't done one of these for awhile... stole this from tinhuviel, the results are interesting.

Though I must admit, days like today, I'm only sure of a brain being present in my skull based on a previous MRI that identified said brain. It seems to be on the fritz today.

Your Brain is Sensitive

You are very keyed in to the world around you. You are in tune with every feeling.

You understand your own emotions well. You integrate them into your thinking process.

You are very thoughtful and expressive. You are good at conveying your ideas.

You like being around other people but never in a superficial way. You like your interactions to have meaning.

What's Your Brain Like?

Blogthings: Discover the Parts of Your Personality that Have Been Hiding


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