The Weekend

Jul 15, 2008 19:33

So hi! I had intended to write a 'real' entry... but then got sidetracked at work. Somehow the stuff piles up when you've had a four day weekend.

Friday started well, did two loads of laundry (while trying to be quiet because hubby was sleeping), and had a raging migraine. I did start to feel better as the evening wore on- which was helpful as I had a DVD to work on. The anniversary slideshow DVD was finally done about 3 am or so. Much too late...

Saturday was fun, walked dog, took him to the vet's/boarding place. He was more than happy to walk off with the staff person. No looking back... nope, pleased to go see what was going on. The staffer called him a 'good puppy friend.' This made me laugh. Ran home, woke hubby (kinda) and talked to him for a bit before heading up to Midland for the family event. So we got into the cleaning and shopping part of the day.

Sunday dawned beautifully- blue sky, lovely temperature. It was great. We got everything set up- with much confusion- but no upset feelings. Then the people started showing up, and that was much fun. Saw several cousins I hadn't seen for years. Including my first cousins once removed (their father- R- is the younger brother of my mother's mother), J, M and T (all males). So T, the youngest is the black sheep of the family... See, he's running for State Rep. As a... *looks around and whispers* Republican... His older brother is in state to work on Obama's Michigan campaign. *laughs* Their mom is more than a little liberal. So yeah, the Republican is the black sheep... I love my family.

Also there was my cousin with his identical twin girls. They're about 5 years old, pale blonde hair, with big blue eyes. Adorably cute! And strongly believed in tormenting their little brother. It was fun to watch my cousin and his wife though, they're very relaxed parents and let their kids be kids- within reason of course.

All in all, a lovely party. I got to talk to a lot of people, and got many compliments on putting much of the party, and the DVD together. Though, my sister should have taken more of the credit than she did.

Back now, and at work- no more days off for the foreseable future. Ah well... nice while it lasted.

Oh, and what's a post without dragons.

Look, a dino

dragons, family

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