Jan 23, 2006 21:36
i feel it in my bones, i hope this feeling never goes
I miss the moon knights.
I miss drinking.
But i've been actually happy lately, i dont really mind.
But i am convinced that me, leyna, and callie really do need a night of drinking drinking drinking.
I think we should just do fancy mixes, yeah?
when we get tired of them we can just do straight shots.
I like happiness, Ive missed it.
For a while there i thought i was happy with the way things were going. But ive decided that i was just lying to myself. The drinking so much that i just puked was rediculous. I acted rediculous for those few monthes.
Now, I really feel loved, and wanted. If it is only by a singular person (and a wonderful lady love i like to call Leyna), i am really ok and happy.
i still want to smoke like no other though.
Today is January 23 and if you get this before 2:00 January 24 Leyna, I want you to call me. And we can go get coffee and you can tell me how your first day went.