I am all about the memes

Jul 23, 2010 02:43

Ah, Did I mention that I love Avatar: The last Airbender?

DAY 1. Favorite Episode
Probably the ember island players.

Its fucking awesome. No joke.

DAY 2. Least Favorite Episode
The whole jet...thing

DAY 3. Favorite Character


DAY 4. Least Favorite Character

DAY 5. What is your favorite outfit that any character has worn throughout the series?
I pretty much loved everyone's fire nation outfits.
Although I did likeThe outfits they wore at Bosco's party.

DAY 6. Favorite Element Nation

Earth kingdom!!

DAY 7. Favorite Animal
Besides the obvious Momo and Appa,
Either Hawky

Or Bosco

DAY 8. Favorite Quote
The Boulder: The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a young, blind girl.
Toph: Sounds to me like you're scared, Boulder!
The Boulder: The Boulder's over his conflicted feelings,

DAY 9. Favorite Book Season

DAY 10. Favorite Weapon
The space sword.

DAY 11. Favorite Minor Character
King Bumi <33

They put crack cocaine in his baby bottle.

DAY 12. If you could challenge anybody to an agni kai, who would you choose and why?
Uhm. anyone I challenged would kill me in like 3 seconds. So...uhhh...Momo?

DAY 13. If you could make up an episode right now, what would be the title and what would it be about?
Lets get Sokka A gallon of cactus juice and let him go wild.
It would be called "Nothing's quenchier!"

DAY 14. If you found out right now that you are the new avatar, how would you react and how would you tell your friends?
I would go crazy. Then i would eagerly tell everyone i know.

DAY 15. Sokka's great at haikus. Why don't you try one out about your favorite character?
After many, many, MANY failed attempts, I just stole hajhaj's
Rolling phat with fire,
got my bitches in the back,
Big brother? Pussy.

DAY 16. Hurry! Make up your own animal hybrid!
uhm. Flying Buffalo-bear

DAY 17. What was it? Yeehaw? Wahoo? Yip yip? Make up your own phrase to make Appa fly!
Fuckin GO APPA GO!

DAY 18. Name a time when you wished you had bending skills.
When I am late, I wish I could be an Airbender and just fly to my destination. Or earthbend, surf my way there.

DAY 19. What's a question that you would love to have answered about something that wasn't so clear in the series?
What happened to Azula after she went "HOLYSHIT" crazy?

DAY 20. Create a sentence or two out of at least 5 episode titles.
The cave of two Appa's returns.

DAY 21. Some characters had different hairstyles: Zuko, Aang, Katara and Sokka to name a few. Which hairstyle of each did you like better?
I couldn't find the picture of Zuko's hair that I wanted, So here's a picture of Sokka looking badass.

DAY 22. Favorite Villain (if it's your favorite character, 2nd favorite villain)

DAY 23. Favorite Pairing
I could not find a Single good picture for Tokka. So here is Zuko and Sokka in dresses, close enough.

DAY 24. Least Favorite Pairing
I don't have anything against any particular ship, but I hate the Kataang Fans. ~Crazyy

DAY 25. How much did you like the movie? Or how much do you want to see it?
It gave me such huge second hand embarrassment I didn't know what to do with myself.

DAY 26. An episode that makes you cry
Appa's Lost days.
Makes me cry every fukkin time.

DAY 27. An episode you can watch over and over
The Ember Island Players, oh jesus. And probably the Boiling Rock ones because JEEZ I WONDER WHY.

DAY 28. Your favorite fan-art of anything from the series

DAY 29. Who would you love to be the voice actor for and why?
Uhm... generic earthbender 3?

DAY 30. Describe your favorite, least favorite, and overall the greatest times in the series.
I can't possibly start to even think about it.
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