This is the cover image for the book. I drew it and the very talented scowling_hermit painted it!
The book follows the efforts put forth by a little girl to make her dream of a snow day a reality. Each member of her family gives her a task that MUST be accomplished before the snow day will be made real. One by one she completes them and then goes to sleep. The next morning she awakes to find that her efforts where not in vain.
This is the last image from the story....little Zoe Grace looking out her window. It is the only image I have from the interior of the book right now. All the others are still with the author. I will post more as soon as I get them.
Anyway, if there is a child in your life, this book would make a great addition to their library. It is a sweet read, fast paced and very cute. You can order a copy by writing or requesting one from me via a message livejournal. They are $8 plus $3 postage. All orders are greatly appreciated.
This is a limited run, and all books will be signed by the author and myself. In the future it will be mass produced for the reading public. So, don't pass up this chance to get one of these rare little gems. Please inform a friend.